Mojang chat report

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New member
Oct 15, 2022
@Staff I would apreciate if this post could probably be locked (with or without a statement from you) as I (and probably others) can't see a good reason of keeping it active if replies like those from TrOpHiiE are the result. This is just me tho...
Huh, I don't know what am I doing wrong. Anyways.

Children don't want school... does it mean we don't need it?
The argument "Nobody needs it" is a faulty one here, because preventive actions are often needed before bad stuff happens because when it happens you're knee deep in the sh*t, I can tell you that.
This is also not really a valid argument. Adults and mod makers are not children. They know what they want and have reasons for it. Children do not. And in the later stages of school children realize they want school and are thankful for being educated. "preventive actions", I don't know why but mojang is not smarter then you, they arent our parents. I mean Minecraft literally became what it is because Mojang gave the players freedom over the game, and trusted them?
Also, funny that you mention vaccines as an example, because there are people that don't want it (Anti-vac people) and also cases where people didn't want/need one... Just look at Covid. I'm sure that at its start nobody was thinking "Oh those people are getting sick... Better demand vaccination!". It only started once it was declared a pandemic.
This is also missing the point. Instead of saying that my example is wrong. Defeat the argument. Anyways : The anti vac people are the minority, and also are the people defending the chat report system. And we know the anti vac people don't really know anything and that their opinion is almost always faulty. And no vaacines weren't only used for covid. They also were used before the pandemic. For other diseases.
t's not really. If you insult a police officer, you get fined. And nobody has to accept being insulted by others and can take legal actions... Granted going to court because someone said the N-Word to you would be an extreme thing, but there is a fundamental law that nobody has to accept harassment against themself in any way.
It seems like to me, that you didn't read my whole argument. "You won't get arrested for swearing in minecraft". That is true. I never said anything about real-life.
Also, regarding the drug usage thing. I just couldn't think of a better example here in the short amount of time I have.
Huh? Why do you have short amount of time. Take your time please! I love discussing opinions. I am not hostile towards you. But you saying that the thread should be locked because my replies is kinda disappointing. I mean wasn't this thread created to exactly discuss this?
No. A and B happen WHEN it is enabled... Disabling it will disable chat signing which also makes it possible for fabricating messages by manipulating them. That's why chat reports are disabled when chat signing is too.
I don't think you understand. You said and I quote " And in such a case only messages that A) have a valid signature". You only don't have a valid signature if you disable it. Which I am arguing for. So for you to include this in your point is nonsensical. If nobody disables it, every message has a valid signature.
I can't recall Mojang allowing people to distribute their MC client with mods directly build into it. There's a reason Mod loader and separate mod jars exist, as distributing the modified client or server jar is not allowed. Mojang simply didn't care so far to really take actions because legal stuff is expensive and time consuming.
What? Papermc is exactly that. a modified server jar. or a mod jar. whatever? Papermc literally modifies it?
Also, please stop using Hypixel as a go-to excuse for something being okay... They are a multi-million (I assume?) business. They have actual direct connections to Mojang, if not even people from Mojang working with them. Like they do contact Mojang regularely to ask if something they want to do is okay in a legal sense.
That's awesome if true! If hypixel contacts mojang and ask, that means they are allowed to do it. So I guess this also strengthens the point?

If Paper would intentionally disable/remove/block the report system, then they would attrackt those people that want to hide from it or profit from the lack of such a system which would again cause more issues, conflicts and alike. In the end would Paper earn a bad reputation which in the worst case could get Mojang to take actions
As discussed before, people don't want this chat report system. So papermc would rather get praised for it. I have just started playing All the mods 8, and saw that they have nochatreports. They aren't getting hate?
And if you think everyone acts innocent you're wrong tbh
I never saw a predator going and saying stuff that would get him arrested. I mean they try to lure people by being nice and innocent?

"Like, if you believe someone is right based on like/dislike ratio, then this Reddit post by u/maryatid must be the absolute truth as it has 37.2k Upvotes, despite it being a bunch of fabricated lies and false claims."

I would like for you to take your time, you don't have any pressure! I am not dismissing the proof. You posted a reddit thread that had a lot likes and was wrong. But that reddit thread is about a accusation not about a opinion. Obviously people can be wrong! But we were talking about people supporting it, people supporting something wrong doesn't change the fact that people support it. So what are you trying to tell me with that reddit post. I never said that that video loses its authenticity because of the dislikes. It just shows the general opinion.

That argument makes zero sense. By that definition we should also remove camels from 1.20 because nobody ever asked for them, lol
Plenty people asked for better moderation tools for ages, central ban systems like mcbans were attempted multiple times, it's good that Mojang finally took the initiative.
That's a valid point. But I also want to point out that the camels also were not backlashed and hated. It's a shame that you didn't read beyond that, because exactly for that reason I stated other arguments, if you don't like one or have a valid reason to not support it. look at the other one. But I obviously can't tell you what to do.
Mcbans doesn't ban you from playing on private servers with your friends, or on other servers which still allow you to play. (Mcbans bans people from a group of servers. A Ban from mojang bans you from every server including your own, your friends etc. I think that these two can be seen as systems that have something in common but still are seperate in the severity of punishment)

I just want to point out again, that I dont hate you for your opinion (even though I could have probably worded a few things nicer). I want to discuss different opinions and come to different conclusions. Wasn't this thread basically made for this. Discussing different opinions doesn't make the other side your enemey. I really like being proved wrong (or rather having shown a different perspective) and forming a more sophisticated opinion. Minidiggers argument was a valid one and yeah it kinda makes my point less valuable.

I need to go now. If you guys keep posting I will try to reply and actively discuss later. Have a nice day y'all!
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New member
Feb 8, 2022
A Ban from mojang bans you from every server including your own, your friends etc. I think that these two can be seen as systems that have something in common but still are seperate in the severity of punishment)
Minor correction: While you can say Mojang banned you, is it not a ban from "every server", at least not in the sense you usually assume a ban in MC would be like. It's more disabling the Multiplayer feature for the client.
Also, bans usually are temporary and only real extreme cases result in a perm ban. I have yet to find a single popular person who was permanently banned for no justified reason.

Machine Maker

Paper Developer
Staff member
Dec 17, 2021
What? Papermc is exactly that. a modified server jar. or a mod jar. whatever? Papermc literally modifies it?

Just wanted to clarify that Paper does NOT distribute a modified server jar. Distributing a modified server jar does violate Mojang's license on their product. We use Paperclip to create a binary patch of the vanilla server and distribute that. Then the vanilla server and this binary patch are downloaded and applied to your computer locally.
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New member
Feb 8, 2022
What? Papermc is exactly that. a modified server jar. or a mod jar. whatever? Papermc literally modifies it?
(I know Machine Maker gave a reply, but I feel like it can be a bit more accurate and also explain how Spigot does it)

Wrong. The paper jar you download is just a piece of software that downloads the Vanilla server from Mojang and applies patches to it at runtime before starting the newly patched server jar (You can check that by opening the cache folder located next to the plugins folder. It will contain the vanilla server jar and also the patched jar).

You may now come with the argument "But what is with Spigot?" to which I can say: Spigot also doesn't distribute modified jar files directly. It provides Build tools which have a (somewhat more complicated) system that does this:
  1. Download Vanilla server jar
  2. Decompile and deobfuscate it using Mojang Mappings (For newer releases. Older ones use Spigot mappings)
  3. Apply Craftbukkit API patches
  4. Apply Spigot API patches
  5. Recompile the jar
There is a reason Spigot has BuildTools and Paper has patching. Mojang is not allowing the redistribution of modified server jars, which makes sites such as getbukkit break their ToS/EULA or whatever legal file applies to this. And before you come with the reason "Then why was it not taken down yet?": It's because taking legal actions both take a lot of money to get the gears moving and a lot of time too. And Mojang would gain little to no (financial) compensation from this in the end.

Meanwhile is the patching of the vanilla jar, or building the modified one from source a legal gray area and accepted by mojang as long as the methods of obtaining the server code are through normal means (in this case by downloading the jar and deobfuscate + decompile it) that don't include redistribution of it.

That are more or less the details about this stuff that I gathered throughout my years in the community (And by also asking for clarifications on both Spigot and PaperMC).
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New member
Oct 15, 2022
I probably worded it wrong yes thats on me. I wanted to express that papermc could change it without getting in legal trouble, if they are already able to change so many other things. I really didn't look into how it works (that's why I said "whatever") (so correct me if im wrong here, and if it would be really against the EULA). My thought process was just like this (Papermc changes things --> so they can change this --> why would it be illegal to change this thing now).

but I feel like it can be a bit more accurate and also explain how Spigot does it)

But ay, that's really interesting. thanks for the clarification


Paper Triage
Staff member
Jan 5, 2022
There's a major difference between modifying the server in general, and modifying it to disable the reporting system. Mojang explicitly permits modifying their software in the EULA, provided mojang code isn't distributed (hence Paperclip / Buildtools as explained above). However, while I haven't bothered to look, it seems reasonable to expect that mojang has explicitly disallowed screwing with the reports system with the intention of disabling it in the EULA, or if not, then they will.

"Well if they disallow it in the EULA then why are servers that block it still online?" Because Mojang's EULA enforcement for smaller servers sucks, which is a known fact. However, if something major like Paper violated it, then suddenly Mojang would take a lot more interest, not to mention certainly cutting off Paper's own communications with Mojang staff.

Paper has tried to be the better person on the matter by taking a neutral stance. At this point aside from Mojang forcing their hand to crack down on it (not that I think they would do that), I don't expect anything will change that stance.

Disclaimer: Not Paper staff, just what I've observed
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New member
Oct 15, 2022
mojang has explicitly disallowed screwing with the reports system with the intention of disabling it in the EULA, or if not, then they will.
Yes they haven't explicitly disallowed it, but it could fall under the category "damaging our assets/reputation". (take this with a grain of salt, I don't have any idea about legal stuff)

So as I understand like you said, its more like to not force mojangs hand (or to put them in a situation where they feel like they need to act)? I mean that clears it up alot for me.


New member
Feb 21, 2023
Is there any information regarding chat reporting on online=false servers? Is this function disabled in offline mode? I can't imagine that it would be enforceable without accessing the mojang auth servers.


Paper Developer
Staff member
Jan 4, 2022
The Netherlands
You're right, messages aren't signed in offline mode, so they can't be reported. Since the bans are enforced at the auth server level offline mode servers won't even know a player might be banned.


New member
Jun 10, 2023
however, in the future, the client might reject such messages, there is already a client setting that comes close to this.
fighting mojang is never a good idea, you will loose.
the decided that they want to improve the player safety (and I and many others agree with them), so we will see more work in this area, especially if people circumvent the system.

not that any legitimate player has anything to fear, the only people that are are angry are scared about this because they have been terrorizing the community forever and rightfully fear finally having to face consequences for their actions.

I know I'm a year late, but that is completely untrue. I play Minecraft with friends, and we're all adults. Why should we potentially be banned because we decided to have a bit of trolling fun with a sign that had a swear word on it? Also, who is Mojang to tell me what I can and cannot do with my own server? I own the server, therefore, as long as I'm not breaking any laws, I should be able to do whatever I wish to do with it. That includes allowing people to swear.

On top of that, you're downplaying the situation by trying to say that only the people who use it for bad are worried about it. If that's the case, why haven't you given Microsoft your SSN yet? You haven't done anything bad, right? The potential for abuse is there, that's why you wouldn't just give Microsoft a way to screw you over. Hence why people dislike the chat report system. What's stopping Microsoft from not liking you anymore, so they look through your chat history on all servers, and deemed your language to be inappropriate for simply saying "Haha poopy", and thus banning you permanently from Minecraft? Not only that, but Bedrock users have reported that getting banned on a realm, not only banned them from all multiplayer servers, but also from playing single player.

I believe the chat moderation should be took up with a specific server's staff. Only under extreme cases, should Microsoft have to step in.


New member
Jun 10, 2023
what kinda data does this new system collect from you that is worth a penny? lol

You do realize that's not how data collection works, right? It's a mass collection of data that is sold to the highest bidder, where our data alone is not work much, but a giant pool of data is worth literal millions, because advertisers can then see what people are interested in, knowing your IP address, they know the rough location at where you reside. If you have a static IP, that IP could then be used for targeted ads, rather than just slapping cookies onto a system that can be deleted by the user themselves. It's ultimately a way for advertisers to push what they want people to buy on the best candidates they have. If you have a collection of a hundred thousand people, and only a quarter of them (25,000) would be interest in the product you're selling, you would then be able to make more money by only sending out advertisements that are pushed onto the best fit buyers, thus cutting the costs of advertisements, and increasing revenue for the company.


New member
Feb 8, 2022
I know I'm a year late, but that is completely untrue. I play Minecraft with friends, and we're all adults. Why should we potentially be banned because we decided to have a bit of trolling fun with a sign that had a swear word on it? Also, who is Mojang to tell me what I can and cannot do with my own server? I own the server, therefore, as long as I'm not breaking any laws, I should be able to do whatever I wish to do with it. That includes allowing people to swear.
I feel like you get Bedrock and Java edition mixed up here...

On Java Edition, at most realms do have chat filters applied. And that's because they are a product sold and hosted by Mojang.
On JE in general does only the report function exist. No chat censoring or anything like that.
So unless your friend decide to report you, should you be fine on your own server.

Also, Mojang does look at the greater picture here. You as an adult may not see the issue here. "I just swear a bit. No biggie", but the issue is, that the majority of MC's playerbase is still children and they are more suceptible to bad influences than you are.
You can obviously throw in the "Servers do have moderators for that" card here, but lets be real: A server with monetary gain as goal probably won't ban Jeff, who pays monthly for a VIP role, even if he throws around N-words like others do with gg (No attack against any Jeffs here. I just used your name as an example).
tl;dr Servers are unreliable for moderation, especially when they have mods who do it without pay and in their free time.

On top of that, you're downplaying the situation by trying to say that only the people who use it for bad are worried about it. If that's the case, why haven't you given Microsoft your SSN yet? You haven't done anything bad, right? The potential for abuse is there, that's why you wouldn't just give Microsoft a way to screw you over. Hence why people dislike the chat report system. What's stopping Microsoft from not liking you anymore, so they look through your chat history on all servers, and deemed your language to be inappropriate for simply saying "Haha poopy", and thus banning you permanently from Minecraft? Not only that, but Bedrock users have reported that getting banned on a realm, not only banned them from all multiplayer servers, but also from playing single player.
Again, you mix up BE with JE. This here is about JE, which does not have any Chat filters or alike applied (With exception being Realms, but see my previous comment for the reason).
Everything has potential for abuse. Just see all the mods to cheat in a server.

You do realize that's not how data collection works, right? It's a mass collection of data that is sold to the highest bidder, where our data alone is not work much, but a giant pool of data is worth literal millions, because advertisers can then see what people are interested in, knowing your IP address, they know the rough location at where you reside. If you have a static IP, that IP could then be used for targeted ads, rather than just slapping cookies onto a system that can be deleted by the user themselves. It's ultimately a way for advertisers to push what they want people to buy on the best candidates they have. If you have a collection of a hundred thousand people, and only a quarter of them (25,000) would be interest in the product you're selling, you would then be able to make more money by only sending out advertisements that are pushed onto the best fit buyers, thus cutting the costs of advertisements, and increasing revenue for the company.
I take a wild guess and say you're from the USA?
Because last time I checked, Europe didn't make this data stuff selling that easy and wouldn't take it too lightly if Mojang - which is in Sweden - and MS would simply take user data and sell them for ad-money or whatever.

They would have way too many risks here for what is no real profit in the end.

Also, your argument about a "bigger collection of userdata is worth more than an individual" is stupid and wrong.
An individual user is actually worth more than a group. Why? Because I can give a user ads fitting their interests and needs, making it much more likely they "take the bite" and click the ad.
Meanwhile, on a group is data more general and generic. There is no info on individual preferences and ads made for them are less likely to hit because not every user may like it.

Or to give a more clear example, a comparison:
  • For an individual, I would get the following data:
    • Their name is Jeff (Sorry again to all Jeffs.)
    • They are 20 years old
    • They buy at wallmart
    • Their favourite food is spaghetti bolognese
    • They are overdue on their rent
  • Meanwhile, here would be "general" data of a group of like... 250 or so:
    • They are 67% male and 33% female
    • They are on average 25.3 years old
    • 45% buy at wallmart
One is much less precise on a persons... "personality". I let you take a guess who...

Just ask any big store chain who offers a point system. I can speak from personal experience that a store chain I buy stuff in regularely sends me coupons for stuff I bought, because I like these products and they know.
If I now was just one of several hundreds would these coupons not have the stuff I like, making me less likely to go buy again.
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New member
Feb 5, 2022
I know I'm a year late, but that is completely untrue. I play Minecraft with friends, and we're all adults. Why should we potentially be banned because we decided to have a bit of trolling fun with a sign that had a swear word on it? Also, who is Mojang to tell me what I can and cannot do with my own server? I own the server, therefore, as long as I'm not breaking any laws, I should be able to do whatever I wish to do with it. That includes allowing people to swear.

On top of that, you're downplaying the situation by trying to say that only the people who use it for bad are worried about it. If that's the case, why haven't you given Microsoft your SSN yet? You haven't done anything bad, right? The potential for abuse is there, that's why you wouldn't just give Microsoft a way to screw you over. Hence why people dislike the chat report system. What's stopping Microsoft from not liking you anymore, so they look through your chat history on all servers, and deemed your language to be inappropriate for simply saying "Haha poopy", and thus banning you permanently from Minecraft? Not only that, but Bedrock users have reported that getting banned on a realm, not only banned them from all multiplayer servers, but also from playing single player.

I believe the chat moderation should be took up with a specific server's staff. Only under extreme cases, should Microsoft have to step in.
"Also, who is Mojang to tell me what I can and cannot do with my own server?"
Yeah they don't care about that. They're a big corporation now so they think they can trample all over your and your server's rights. The entire Minecraft server admin community (or at least the people making our software) tend to side with Microsoft and their weird restrictive 1984-esque views, I don't know why (maybe it's the money talking?). It's up to us, the users, to take them down a notch by refusing to play along. There's a plugin called NoChatReports that does the trick pretty well in this instance. With that said, brace yourself for their next crippling move, because chat reporting wasn't the first and will not be the last. I, for one, plan to stand beside you then. Long live liberty, and long live Minecraft.


Staff member
Dec 11, 2021
maybe it's the money talking?
What money? am I missing out on something here? how do I get my check?


around the world, governments are telling platforms to deal with the hate speech and crap on their services and if they don't, they'll be regulated to do so. given that they've accepted reports for years, I'm glad that at the very least now there is a method to validate the authenticity of those reports rather than the odd false ban against people who didn't deserve it, and the lack of action on people who really are a safety issue to vulnerable people within the community.

We have no interest in maintaining crud to remove the system, servers who want to support it can, servers who want to remove it can install a plugin of which many are available to remove it. Also, information is only sent to mojang when somebody reports it, nowhere else can they get that information. Like, if they where to cross that line, I'd 100% be for having the means to yank that out of the server, but, until then, it's just FUD.


New member
Feb 5, 2022
What money? am I missing out on something here? how do I get my check?
Well, I wouldn't know. I'm not part of the inner circle. You tell us.

EDIT: Apologies - I thought the rest of your message after the -- was a signature for some reason. Very long day yesterday.

"around the world, governments are telling platforms to deal with the hate speech and crap on their services and if they don't, they'll be regulated to do so"
If that's the case, then big tech needs to take a stand and protect the freedom of the internet, not cave in and capitulate. The free and open internet is the greatest treasure of our generation, and it must be protected at all costs. Ain't like they don't have the funds and infrastructure to figure something out. I'm getting SOPA/PIPA flashbacks now... ugh my knees

They trample on our rights, and instead of standing together in protest, we squabble among each other and even join in the bad guys by shutting up dissenting talk. It was a very sad event to witness.

"given that they've accepted reports for years"
It wasn't something that the average mom'n'pop server (or their players) had to worry about until the new reporting came out. I didn't even know there was any reporting at all before that. It probably only ever applied to high-profile cases, eg. somebody going around causing waves of trouble around the "big" servers (Hypixel etc.) I never even heard anybody say the threat "I'm gonna tell Mojang" at all and I've been around since infdev. My point is, the old system was so small in scale I don't see how you can begin to compare it to opt-out intrusion where the opt-out is third-party only. Night and day, day and night.

"We have no interest in maintaining crud to remove the system"
Well, like you said, there's plugins now to fix it. However, it was rather hard to find at first (when 1.19.2 came out) because of how pro-censorship and anti-ownership the community is as a whole. The NCR plugin had been up on Modrinth for like a whole month before I found out it existed, and I was actively asking around various discords and subreddits that whole time. Not only was the plugin itself eluding me, but also general information about the change, because even just talking about the censorship gets censored a lot of the time. As you can imagine I was walking on eggshells trying to get my hands on anything resembling a patch.

I'm afraid I'll have to endure a similar experience of being made out to be an evil outcast by the entire community next time Microsoft decides to axe another one of our rights. A simple link would've literally sufficed, instead I had to endure mocking after mocking and accusation after accusation of being a bad person just for wanting my freedom, control, and peace of mind back... My cholesterol too high for that, plus my knees.
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New member
Feb 8, 2022
It's up to us, the users, to take them down a notch by refusing to play along. There's a plugin called NoChatReports that does the trick pretty well in this instance. With that said, brace yourself for their next crippling move, because chat reporting wasn't the first and will not be the last. I, for one, plan to stand beside you then. Long live liberty, and long live Minecraft.
Last time I checked, a server admin (or someone with access to the server) had to add NoChatReports... So good luck getting it on servers of all these "admins who tend to side with Microsoft and their weird restrictive 1984-esque views"

Just... just grow up already. All of you.
You cry about something that by all means didn't cause that much of an impact... Like it has been what? 5 months since they added it? More? Less? And so far I haven't seen any big news anywhere about servers dieing from this feature because people refuse to play on it, or because too many get "banned" by Mojang.
You turn a mice into an elephant here and this should just die already.


New member
Feb 8, 2022
(Yes, I spent a lot of time to write this wall of text people may not read. I have too much time so...)

If that's the case, then big tech needs to take a stand and protect the freedom of the internet, not cave in and capitulate. The free and open internet is the greatest treasure of our generation, and it must be protected at all costs. Ain't like they don't have the funds and infrastructure to figure something out. I'm getting SOPA/PIPA flashbacks now... ugh my knees
So, you effectively want the internet - and by some extension Minecraft - to be what Twitter is right now? A place where hate speech, targeted harassment, death threads, racism, etc ran absolutely crazy?

Like you ask for free speech, but you ignore the extreme downsides that would come with a "No rule" free speech. Electronicboy said it himself: Governments tell those "big tech" to deal with this extreme level of hate speech, death threads, etc. or they will do it. And if they do, then your 1984 comparisons would be justified. Because they would make a much, MUCH worse implementation to protect people, that cuts way deeper into someone's privacy.

Hate speech is no laughing matter. People endet themself because they got targeted harassments. People go on school shootings because of being insulted and verbally attacked.
Hate speech, targeted harassment and alike cause much more harm than what you seem to see here.

It wasn't something that the average mom'n'pop server (or their players) had to worry about until the new reporting came out. I didn't even know there was any reporting at all before that. It probably only ever applied to high-profile cases, eg. somebody going around causing waves of trouble around the "big" servers (Hypixel etc.) I never even heard anybody say the threat "I'm gonna tell Mojang" at all and I've been around since infdev. My point is, the old system was so small in scale I don't see how you can begin to compare it to opt-out intrusion where the opt-out is third-party only. Night and day, day and night.
And where is the proof that it was "small in scale"?
I just be blatantly straight here and say you pulled this out of your ass, because unless you're an actual Mojang employee with focus on support requests, you have absolutely no rights of assuming how many requests they get.
Minecraft has millions of players worldwide, so the number of requests can easily be on a 5-digit level here. So stop assuming that there wasn't much demand for this only because you didn't see the requests the actual support team gets.

What this report system does is change their current system like this:
  • Make the report-system built-in into Minecraft rather than an external source like a Support form or e-mail address.
  • Add chat signing to verify the message wasn't modified client or server-side to ensure that the reported message was legit and not fabricated, which aids in reducing fabricated reports.
Well, like you said, there's plugins now to fix it. However, it was rather hard to find at first (when 1.19.2 came out) because of how pro-censorship and anti-ownership the community is as a whole. The NCR plugin had been up on Modrinth for like a whole month before I found out it existed, and I was actively asking around various discords and subreddits that whole time. Not only was the plugin itself eluding me, but also general information about the change, because even just talking about the censorship gets censored a lot of the time. As you can imagine I was walking on eggshells trying to get my hands on anything resembling a patch.
That's you - yet again - doing a claim you pull out of thin air.
I'm fairly sure that the community as a whole didn't bother trying to hide it at all. It was just SEO being SEO and taking a while to adjust to the changes.

Like, I don't mind the chat report feature, yet I won't go out of my way to discourage the usage of NCR or alike or try to hide it or smth... If people want to use it, it's up to them.

Also, you not being allowed to talk about the "censorship" is not allowed because... it's probably against the rules?
I'm pretty sure you probs asked in a subreddit like r/Minecraft. And they most likely have a rule that allows to talk about the report system, but not make posts with the sole purpose to dump and rant about it and claiming wrong facts, which in all honesty I believe you did given your previous claims I mentioned.

And for like the 3 billionth time: It's a >>>R E P O R T<<< feature. You report someone. It does not, and will not censore anyone. Censoring would be if I send "Shit" and the server changes it to "S**t". It would be preactive, not reactive.
The Report system is legit just this, but in MC form:
(Just in case, I mean the "Help & Support -> Family Center & Support for Parents/Guardians -> I would like to report concerning or abusive behavior to Discord" selections)

This is nothing more than what you have on sites these days to file a report for concerning and/or abusive behaviour of individuals.
This is something that existed for years now and that has established itself more and more with the increased sensitivity about an individuals identity and well-being.

Also, on other games can you report someone for inapropriate behaviour but on MC should this not be allowed? That's stupid.

Also, also, mentioned before countless times, but when reporting someone, only valid (signed) messages will be allowed to be reported to prevent fabricated reports. With the report will also previous messages of other users be send to allow context on the situation so that a "fuck you" won't result in a chat ban if it was in a joking context.

I'm seriously tired of this... Every time someone comes and yells about the same stuff on repeat without aknowledging stuff given to them that for the most part have been proven fact.
Instead are half-baked "facts" being given like your assumption it has "money" reasons for why admins and alike of the MC community are so pro about this... I am pro-report, yet I haven't seen a dime yet... So idk where you get these claims from.
I think it's more the community welcoming an easier way to fight targeted harassment on a global level. Before you had each server banning the user by themself if they did unspeakable stuff, now it's a global thing taking away work from mods who may do this without any financial compensation.
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