Question Error unable to access jarfile server.jar


New member
Jul 31, 2022
Hello, yesterday i started my own minecraft server on a VPS and i first downloaded waterfall since i wanted to make the server a network so i downloaded a bungeecord fork and when i wrote the start.bat file and i ran it it instantly closed, then i typed pause at the end of the file and the error was:
Unable to access jarfile server.jar
I searched that error on the internet and it just said that i wrote the .jar filename wrong on the .bat file, but after checking many and many times i even copied and pasted the filename of the .jar file in the .bat file but nothing, still doesn't work.
What i wrote inside of the .bat file was this:
java -Xmx4G -Xms3G -jar server.jar --nogui
This is the photo of the error, of the .jar file and the .bat file:
Please i'm going crazy.
Sorry if i put the wrong prefix in this post, i'm new in this forum.


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New member
Apr 15, 2022
remove that --nogui at the end of the java command, waterfall doesn't have a gui.
Also you're in the wrong directory i guess, sorry for spam; check the right filename, the S at the beginning is in lower-case, on the server it's upper-case.
And Waterfall doesn't need 4 gigs of ram, 512 mb should do
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New member
Jul 31, 2022
remove that --nogui at the end of the java command, waterfall doesn't have a gui.
Also you're in the wrong directory i guess, sorry for spam; check the right filename, the S at the beginning is in lower-case, on the server it's upper-case.
And Waterfall doesn't need 4 gigs of ram, 512 mb should do
already tried editing the .jar file to server.jar instead of Server.jar but it didn't work, and i'm in the root folder, i don't understand, why is it the wrong directory folder?


New member
Apr 15, 2022
already tried editing the .jar file to server.jar instead of Server.jar but it didn't work, and i'm in the root folder, i don't understand, why is it the wrong directory folder?
Editing the filename doesn't do anything, when you are in the wrong folder. In the screenshot of the cmd window, you were in "C:\Users\dani\AppData\Local\Programs\WinSCP".
Also you should connect to the server with ssh and change the directory to /root/ when you try to execute the Server.jar.
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