Hello, yesterday i started my own minecraft server on a VPS and i first downloaded waterfall since i wanted to make the server a network so i downloaded a bungeecord fork and when i wrote the start.bat file and i ran it it instantly closed, then i typed pause at the end of the file and the error was:
Unable to access jarfile server.jar
I searched that error on the internet and it just said that i wrote the .jar filename wrong on the .bat file, but after checking many and many times i even copied and pasted the filename of the .jar file in the .bat file but nothing, still doesn't work.
What i wrote inside of the .bat file was this:
java -Xmx4G -Xms3G -jar server.jar --nogui
This is the photo of the error, of the .jar file and the .bat file:
Please i'm going crazy.
Sorry if i put the wrong prefix in this post, i'm new in this forum.
Unable to access jarfile server.jar
I searched that error on the internet and it just said that i wrote the .jar filename wrong on the .bat file, but after checking many and many times i even copied and pasted the filename of the .jar file in the .bat file but nothing, still doesn't work.
What i wrote inside of the .bat file was this:
java -Xmx4G -Xms3G -jar server.jar --nogui
This is the photo of the error, of the .jar file and the .bat file:
Please i'm going crazy.
Sorry if i put the wrong prefix in this post, i'm new in this forum.