Hi, I am using pufferfish which is a fork of paper (which yeah is a fork of spigot). Basically, I deleted my bukkit.yml, spigot.yml, and paper.yml in order to regenerate all the configs. When I did this I noticed upon logging on all my advancements had been reset. Everything else is totally fine.
I look in the world/advancement folder and notice almost everyone's advancements has been reset. I kind of freak out but whatever, I got backups. Strange thing is, all my backups from the past week have the exact same thing (all reset for the most part other than some super old accounts that haven't logged on in ages).
So my question is, was there something in my config perhaps that was changing where the advancements were stored? It doesn't make sense my old backups also have empty advancements because the advancements were totally working before I reset the yml files. Any help or insight is appreciated. It isn't the end of the world, but it does kind of suck.
I look in the world/advancement folder and notice almost everyone's advancements has been reset. I kind of freak out but whatever, I got backups. Strange thing is, all my backups from the past week have the exact same thing (all reset for the most part other than some super old accounts that haven't logged on in ages).
So my question is, was there something in my config perhaps that was changing where the advancements were stored? It doesn't make sense my old backups also have empty advancements because the advancements were totally working before I reset the yml files. Any help or insight is appreciated. It isn't the end of the world, but it does kind of suck.