- Minecraft Versions
- 1.14-1.19
- Compatible Java Versions
- Java 8 and above
ViewDistanceTweaks manages your server's view distance and simulation distance to provide a balance of gameplay and performance. Effectively, it allows you to have higher view distance and simulation distance when it's quiet and lower when it's busy.
To install the plugin:
Permission - viewdistancetweaks.vdt.command.reload
/vdt status [--weight] - display information about the worlds' view distances and simulation distances.
Permission - viewdistancetweaks.vdt.command.status
/vdt viewdistance <view distance> [world] [--duration <minutes>] - Set a world's view distance (all worlds if a world not specified).
Permission - viewdistancetweaks.vdt.command.viewdistance
/vdt simulationdistance <simulation distance> [world] [--duration <minutes>] - Set a world's simulation distance (all worlds if a world not specified).
Permission - viewdistancetweaks.vdt.command.simulationdistance
- Automatically adjust the server's view distance and simulation distance using heuristics.
- Options to factor in the server's MSPT when adjusting the simulation distance.
- Highly configurable - with per-world customisation available.
- Commands to manually temporarily set the view distance and simulation distance.
- Placeholders for view distance, simulation distance, MSPT, and more (see below).
Installation and configuration
Noting every sever is different, it is important to configure ViewDistanceTweaks before using it.To install the plugin:
- Download the jar file in your plugin directory.
- Restart the server.
- Edit the plugin's configuration file to suit your server's needs.
- Set
in the plugin's configuration file. - Restart the server.
# Configuration for View Distance Tweaks.
# Plugin page: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/75164/
# Github: https://github.com/froobynooby/ViewDistanceTweaks
# Please don't change this!
version: 8
# Set this to true to enable the plugin. The plugin is initially disabled so that you can make changes to the config
# appropriate to your server.
enabled: false
# How should we determine whether the simulation distance needs adjusting? Accepts three values:
# * proactive : Adjust the simulation distance so that the player-loaded chunk count is always below a set threshold.
# * reactive : Adjust the simulation distance in response to changes in the server's MSPT.
# * mixed : Be both proactive and reactive; prioritising decreasing the simulation distance over increasing.
adjustment-mode: mixed
# These settings are for the proactive adjustment mode.
# Set this to the maximum ticking chunk count your server can handle. The simulation distance of each world will be
# adjusted such that the total number of player-loaded chunks is sitting as close to this value as possible.
# * If you know your server can handle up to p many players with a simulation distance of d, a reasonable choice is
# to set this to (2d + 1)^2 * p.
# * As an example, 5780 is the number of player-loaded ticking chunks for 20 players with a simulation distance of 8.
global-ticking-chunk-count-target: 5780
# Set this to the maximum number of non-ticking chunks you want to be loaded by the view distance.
# * Note: this only counts chunks that are outside of the simulation distance of a player, but within the view
# view distance of a player.
# * If you know your server can handle up to p many players with a view distance of v and a simulation distance of s,
# a reasonable choice is to set this to ((2v + 1)^2 - (2s + 1)^2) * p.
# * As an example, 6720 is the number of non-ticking chunks loaded by the view distance for 20 players with a view
# distance of 12 and a simulation distance of 8.
global-non-ticking-chunk-count-target: 6720
# These settings are for the reactive adjustment mode.
# * MSPT stands for "milliseconds per tick", and tells you how long your server takes to tick on average. A server
# whose MSPT is above 50 will notice things slowing down, as the TPS drops.
# Below what MSPT should we consider increasing the simulation distance?
increase-mspt-threshold: 40.0
# Above what MSPT should we consider decreasing the simulation distance?
decrease-mspt-threshold: 47.0
# These settings concern how we determine the server's MSPT.
# * Only touch these settings if you know what you're doing.
# Over how many ticks should we collect tick durations for calculating the MSPT?
# * Setting this too high will make the MSPT very slow to react to changes.
# * Setting this too low will make the MSPT volatile.
collection-period: 1200
# We keep a history of MSPT vs. player-loaded chunk count in order to better predict what the MSPT will settle to
# after increasing the simulation distance.
# Should we use MSPT prediction when we are considering increasing the simulation distance?
# * For example, we may be at 38 MSPT with a simulation distance of 6, meaning we would consider increasing the
# simulation distance to 7. However, if we saw that 10 minutes ago with a simulation distance of 7 we had
# 48 MSPT, we would hold off on increasing.
# * Disabling this can lead to a back-and-forth game of increasing and decreasing the simulation distance every few
# minutes - not ideal.
enabled: true
# For how long (in minutes) should we keep a MSPT / chunk count history?
history-length: 30
# Every how many ticks should we check whether the simulation distance needs to be updated?
ticks-per-check: 600
# How long in ticks should we wait before starting the checking tasks following the plugin's start up?
# * This is useful when using the 'mixed' or 'reactive' adjustment modes where it is desirable to ignore the server's
# performance in the first few minutes following a restart.
start-up-delay: 2400
# How many checks in a row that say to increase the simulation or view distance should be required before an increase
# actually occurs?
# * This is useful as it guards against the following kind of case: A player leaves and the view distance is
# increased, but the player returns three minutes later and the view distance is lowered to its previous value.
# * Since increasing the view distance can cause lag-spikes for players with poorer connections, it is
# recommended to keep this value relatively high.
passed-checks-for-increase: 10
# How many checks in a row that say to decrease the simulation or view distance should be required before a decrease
# actually occurs?
passed-checks-for-decrease: 1
# Should we send a message to the console when we change the simulation or view distance?
log-changes: false
# These settings can be specified per world. If a world is not specified or if a setting is missing, it will use the
# settings listed under the default section.
# These settings concern the simulation distance of this world.
# Should we not manage the simulation distance in this world?
# * Note: Even if excluded, the world's chunks will be counted for the purpose of adjusting the simulation distance
# of other worlds. If you do not want this, also be sure to set the chunk-weight to 0.
exclude: false
# What should the absolute minimum simulation distance be in this world?
minimum-simulation-distance: 6
# What should the absolute maximum simulation distance be in this world?
maximum-simulation-distance: 12
# These settings concern the view distance of this world.
# Should we not manage the view distance in this world?
# * Note: Even if excluded, the world's chunks will be counted for the purpose of adjusting the view distances
# of other worlds.
exclude: false
# What should the absolute minimum view distance be in this world?
minimum-view-distance: 8
# What should the absolute maximum view distance be in this world?
maximum-view-distance: 16
# Relative to the other worlds, how 'heavy' is a chunk on performance?
# * For example: In the End dimension, about half of the chunks you encounter are void and so have very little
# impact on performance. For this reason, you may want to set the chunk-weight of the End to 0.5.
chunk-weight: 1
# These settings concern how we count the number of chunks in this world.
# When two players are near each other, the chunks they load can overlap. Should we not double count the chunks
# that are overlapping?
exclude-overlap: true
# world_the_end:
# simulation-distance:
# minimum-simulation-distance: 8
# maximum-simulation-distance: 10
# chunk-weight: 0.5
/vdt reload - reload the plugin's configuration.Permission - viewdistancetweaks.vdt.command.reload
/vdt status [--weight] - display information about the worlds' view distances and simulation distances.
Permission - viewdistancetweaks.vdt.command.status
/vdt viewdistance <view distance> [world] [--duration <minutes>] - Set a world's view distance (all worlds if a world not specified).
Permission - viewdistancetweaks.vdt.command.viewdistance
/vdt simulationdistance <simulation distance> [world] [--duration <minutes>] - Set a world's simulation distance (all worlds if a world not specified).
Permission - viewdistancetweaks.vdt.command.simulationdistance