- Download Link
- https://ci.minebench.de/job/ResourcepacksPlugins/
- Minecraft Versions
- 1.8+, Velocity 1.1.3+/3.x
- Compatible Java Versions
- 8+
Did you ever want to set one Server Resource Rack for your whole Velocity network? Or set a different pack for a couple of your servers behind your Velocity proxy and got annoyed by Minecraft re-downloading the same pack while switching servers? Then you came to the right place!
This plugin lets you set one Server Resource Pack for you whole Velocity proxy without the need to set them on your lobby server which would result in the client re-downloading the pack even when it already had it enabled!
It also has the ability to set the pack for each server individually and it even detects if the server behind the Bungee has send a pack itself and resets the pack to the global or server’s pack if the player switches to another server!
You can use my World Resourcepacks plugin if you are looking for a Bukkit version. It lets you set the pack per world and is compatible with this one.
The plugin requires the 1.1.3 development builds of Velocity to work!
Please note that the Vanilla Minecraft client only applies server resource packs that are smaller than 50MB ! (100MB for 1.15+ clients, 250MB for 1.18+)
Also certain new SSL certificates for URLs (like Let’s Encrypt) do not work with the old Java version shipped with Minecraft (Java 1.8.0_51, a bug report regarding that has been filed with Mojang) so you’ll have to either use a different certificate or a non encrypted download (not recommended!)
For an enhanced version of this plugin take a look at Force Resourcepacks!
It lets you react on whether the player downloaded the pack or not with a message, title or a straight up kick!
Note: This plugin only works on clients with versions above 1.8!
Also certain new SSL certificates for URLs (like Let’s Encrypt) do not work with the old Java version shipped with Minecraft (Java 1.8.0_51, a bug report regarding that has been filed with Mojang) so you’ll have to either use a different certificate or a non encrypted download (not recommended!)
For an enhanced version of this plugin take a look at Force Resourcepacks!
It lets you react on whether the player downloaded the pack or not with a message, title or a straight up kick!
Note: This plugin only works on clients with versions above 1.8!
Useful links
- Set different server resourcepacks per server or whole Velocity network
- Match server names with regex!
- Commands to configure the plugin ingame
- Language system with messages depending on the locale of the client
- Simplified compoment/json message formatting syntax (MineDown)
- Configurable delay before sending the pack to a player
- Remembers which pack a user has currently applied and doesn’t resend on server switch
- Let the user set the pack himself. The pack can be re-applied on each login and will be used for resets on servers that don’t have the pack
- Inform the user which pack the server send them if it was done automatically
- ResourcePackSendEvent and ResourcePackSelectEvent for developers to react on the sending or selecting of a pack in their own plugins
- Send the correct pack format depending on the client’s version with pack-variants either via the version, protocol number or pack format id.
- Automatically generates the sha1 hashes!
- Compatible with AuthMe Reloaded/OpeNLogin/nLogin if used together with WorldResourcepacks.
Do you need it to be compatible with more plugins? Contact me! - Need more features like kicking when the player rejects the pack? Take a look at Force Resourcepacks!
To execute every /vrp command you need the velocityresourcepacks.command permission!/vrp reload [resend]
- velocityresourcepacks.command.reload
Reloads the config file; resends the packs to every online player if the 2nd argument is “resend”/vrp version
- velocityresourcepacks.command.version
Shows the version of this plugin/vrp generatehashes
- velocityresourcepacks.command.generatehashes
Manually generate the resource pack hashes/vrp addpack <name> <url>
- velocityresourcepacks.command. addpack
Add a new pack/vrp pack <pack>
- velocityresourcepacks.command.pack
View and edit an existing pack/vrp listassignments
- velocityresourcepacks.command.listassignments
View all server assignments/vrp deleteassignment <assignment>
- velocityresourcepacks.command.deleteassignment
Delete a server assignment/vrp assignment <assignment>
- velocityresourcepacks.command.assignment
View and edit a server assignment/vrp globalassignment
- velocityresourcepacks.command.globalassignment
View and edit the global assignment/resetpack [<playername>] [<temp>]
- velocityresourcepacks.command.resetpack
Reset the pack (of a player) to the empty one or the stored pack. (Like what would happen if you joined a server without any pack) If is set to false the stored pack of the player is reset too.
To execute it for other players you need velocityresourcepacks. command. usepack.others !
To have access to a specific pack a player needs the velocityresourcepacks.pack. permission or the one defined for the pack in it’s config section!
- List all packs available to you/usepack <packname> [<playername>]
- Send a specific pack to yourself or another player
While lots of functionality related to packs and assignments can be configured via the commands the config.yml and especially the language files will contain more options!The up-to-date config can always be found on the GitHub repo as well as the language file(s).
About the client freeze
When a server resource pack is send to a client it will shortly freeze after the download is complete. (Same as manually applying a local pack) This happens because the client has to reload all resources, check which resources overlap and do some other calculation and manipulation with them. (Like stitching all the textures together to a single image like they were in the first texture pack format) It’s not a download issue as the client will locally cache the pack files and not re-download them if their hash didn’t change.How long this takes generally depends on the PC’s performance and the size of the textures (HD packs take longer) that are used in all resource packs that the player has applied. (So even if the server resource pack doesn’t contain any HD textures or textures at all the client will still completely reload all locally applied resource packs) This is something that has to be fixed in the client by Mojang for example by only reloading resources that changed. There’s not a lot I can do about that offer than advice people to put pressure on Mojang to improve that behaviour.
1.14 and 1.15 have some major improvements there so suggest players to use these if they have issues with your server resourcepack!
The source is available on GitHub and licensed under the GPLv3.Development builds can be found on the Minebench.de Jenkins.
There are also some Javadocs if you intend to develop plugins based on mine.