- Download Link
- http://bit.ly/3JCgXMV
- Minecraft Versions
- 1.19.2, 1.19.3, 1.19.4
- Compatible Java Versions
- 17

Simple plugin that allows you to go super saiyan.
Configurable, easy to use, even add your own transformations.
/ssj base
/ssj list
/ssj [Transformation ID]
/kaioken x[ID]
==== How to set it up ====
Lets go from simple to the more complex
1. Download
2. Copy/Paste plugin in your "plugins" folder (or where ever you keep your plugins).
3. Start server
4. Profit
Permissions Handling:
1. If you're using any permissions plugin, go to where you keep your groups.
2. Each permission has its own batch of transformations. I will list them below. Put the permissions node where you want under the group.
3. Restart/Start the server, and test them out.
==== Permissions Information ====
As custom transformations have been added, SuperSaiyan has had to change its way of managing permissions. The permission for every transformation will be "ssj.<Command Name>" where command name is what is typed after "/ssj " or "/kaioken " to achieve said transformation. This means both Kaioken and SSJ Transformation permissions are mixed, so beware when making custom transformations! A mistake in your config could lead to new players achieving Super Saiyan Blue