Question setworldspawn doesn't set... world... spawn


New member
Aug 19, 2022
We have a small server running at AWS on Amazon Linux. The world was originally a Minehut hosted free server that we downloaded and put at AWS. For a while now the world spawn has been at about a million blocks out from where it should be. Trying to use /setworldspawn in game by a level 4 operator or in the linux server console it seems to take (no error) but doesn't. It is very possible I am doing something wrong, but any pointers would be appreciated. No mods on the server and it is Paper 1.19.2 #125


New member
Aug 14, 2022

Did you try something like...
  1. OP the player
  2. /setworldspawn to that location that you want to setworldspawn
  3. /kill yourself. let's see what location that you re-spawn
  4. Make sure to not respawn at bed, break it if you re-spawn there
  5. If still not working ... remove all plugin then try again
  6. If still not working ... try again with Original Minecraft server
** But I belive /setworldspawn should be working since this is command it original by Mojang, unless some plugin break it