Question Question about permissions


New member
Feb 14, 2022

so I am currently working on a plugin with my firends and I use the player.hasPermission() method to check if a player has the required permission.

Now I am asking if there is a way to check if a player has a child permission but not the parent permission.

I know its sounds weird but i have an example here:

if (!player.hasPermission("parent")) {
    player.sendMessage(Component.text("You dont have enough permissions!"));
    return false;

//check if args are actually 1 and send message if not. "usage: ....."

if ("children1".equalsIgnoreCase(args[0])) {
    if (!player.hasPermission("parent.children1")) {
            .append(Component.text("You dont have enough permissions!")));
        return false;
    //do something

if ("children2".equalsIgnoreCase(args[0])) {
    if (!player.hasPermission("parent.children2")) {
        player.sendMessage(Component.text("You dont have enough permissions!"));
        return false;

    //do something

so what I expect here to happen is that a player shouldn't be able to see the "usage: ....." message if they dont have any of the 2 child perms. Which should work, yeah
but when a player has child1 they should be able to go past the first if but they dont.

Any suggestions?
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