- Download Link
- https://github.com/micegan/OnDoorLockPlugin-minecraft/raw/main/build/OnDoorLock%201.16.5%201.17.1.jar
- Support
- https://discord.gg/zhmkBfV3rG
- Minecraft Versions
- 1.16 - 1.17
- Compatible Java Versions
- 8-11?
Plugin, that makes doors lockable using tripwire hook.
Door locks once player press left click on door by holding tripwire hook in main hand, hook itself would get enchanted, so it would be easy to understand, that it is used for a door.
All doors are getting unlocked on server restart, i was too lazy to add the funkin' saving to the .yml file (Edit: ahaha i'v added the saving feature)
For any questions / support / suggestions: https://discord.gg/zhmkBfV3rG ("plugggiigigiigigiginssssss" thread only)
Donation Link: https://ko-fi.com/micegan
By downloading this plugin you are accepting these terms:
Door locks once player press left click on door by holding tripwire hook in main hand, hook itself would get enchanted, so it would be easy to understand, that it is used for a door.
All doors are getting unlocked on server restart, i was too lazy to add the funkin' saving to the .yml file (Edit: ahaha i'v added the saving feature)
For any questions / support / suggestions: https://discord.gg/zhmkBfV3rG ("plugggiigigiigigiginssssss" thread only)
Donation Link: https://ko-fi.com/micegan
By downloading this plugin you are accepting these terms:
- You can't sell this plugin.
- You are not allowed to claim this plugin as you own work.
- You can use plugin only for your server.