Hi all, I'm currently trying to give a link with formatted search parameters to a player that joins the server. To give the player the link I want them to click on a piece of text in the chat, and for this I'm using the minimessage click function. This formatting works fine but for some reason it will cut-off the link somewhere arbitrarily, which is really annoying behavior and I don't understand why. Can someone point out to me what I'm missing?

As you can see the URL in the chat is showing no issue, but when I want to add it to the click action it cuts off just before the port definition.
public void onDisplayLink(PlayerLoginEvent event) {
Player player = event.getPlayer();
String verificationCode = this.plugin.getWebSocketManager().generateVerificationCode(6);
String playerName = player.getName();
String urlEncodedParameters = this.plugin.getWebSocketManager().encodeBase64(String.format("name=%s&code=%s", playerName, verificationCode));
String connectionUrl = this.configManager.getWebServerURL() + "?data=" + urlEncodedParameters;
//Send player information
this.plugin.getServer().getScheduler().scheduleSyncDelayedTask(this.plugin, () -> {
//Debug message to check if the connection URL is correct
String miniMessageFormat = "<gray>Open the <click:open_url:" + connectionUrl + "><green>interactive environment</click><gray> to immerse with the game.<newline>" +
"<gray>Click on <click:copy_to_clipboard:" + verificationCode + "><green>verification code <gray>to copy the code to your clipboard.";
MessageUtil.sendMessage(player, miniMessageFormat, true);
}, 20L);
//Save to session data
this.plugin.getWebSocketManager().createUnconnectedSessionData(playerName, verificationCode);

As you can see the URL in the chat is showing no issue, but when I want to add it to the click action it cuts off just before the port definition.
- Version Output
- This server is running Paper version 1.21-118-master@438863c (2024-07-29T15:17:04Z) (Implementing API version 1.21-R0.1-SNAPSHOT)