Question How to spin an item like this?


New member
Jan 7, 2022
On a server I saw an animation like this: , How can I make something similar? I have searched around everywhere and every time someone solves it they never show how they do it. (I know it is using armor stands, but how do they make it spin in place so smoothly) When I try to mess with yaw/pitch, it just looks like item is spinning around the body of the armor stand, and not in a smooth spin.


New member
Jan 21, 2022
I'm not 100% sure you are suppose to do it this way but i still think it's a good way to explore ...

Try to do some math to calculate where the armor stand (invisible) is suppose to stand and with wich rotation his is suppose to face to make the armor rotate arround a certains point and holding the item in the same spot.

I'm sorry for my unperfect english but i hope i may have helped you a little.


New member
Jan 7, 2022
With what math though, I have tried so much and it always just spins around an armor stand, instead of spinning like that


New member
Feb 8, 2022
I've tried this, however, the item still spins around the head.
Spin the armor stand too :unsure:
If the item spins around the head, you only need to spin the armor stand in the opposite direction which allows you to display the item in one place


New member
Feb 8, 2022
You have to put the armor stand at an offset relative to where the item should spin.

Let's assume you put the item into the armor stand's head. This will show it with an offset, given that it isn't a block.

For the sake of explanation, let's assume the distance from the item to the armor stand's centre is 1 Unit.
You would now need to move the armor stand 1 unit into direction A, which is whatever the armor stand is currently facing. If the armor stand is facing to positive X would this mean you have to move it 1 unit towards positive X for the item to appear at the "centre".

All you need to do is to rotate the armor stand around while keeping the relative distance of 1 unit to the centre, so the armor stand would essentially move in a circle around the item.

I can't give any real formula here to solve this, but I'm sure someone else would have a solution ready.