There are both Block.isValidTool() & Block.isPreferredTool() but they tell you if the block will drop something if you mine it with that tool. I want to know which tool can be used to mine the block faster. For example for dirt, a shovel. For oak logs, an axe & for wool, shears.
I can use paperweight (NMS) but I would prefer not to. I've seen the following relating posts but they aren't what I want & Item.canDestroySpecialBlock() seems to no longer be a thing for 1.20.4:
I can use paperweight (NMS) but I would prefer not to. I've seen the following relating posts but they aren't what I want & Item.canDestroySpecialBlock() seems to no longer be a thing for 1.20.4:

Solved - How to get the tools you need to break blocks
I want to get the tools I need to break a block. The Block#getDrop(sametools).isEmpty () method cannot be used due to various reasons. I searched for...

Solved - Players tool
How would I check if the players tool is appropriate for the block they are mining
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