Disabling Fortune
In a BlockDropItemEvent (we use a BlockDropItemEvent since then we know durability damage has already been done to the tool and the block is already broken)- Check if this is a block we don't want to apply fortune to, If so:
- Clear the current block drops
- Get the drops of the block with the item that's in the players hand without fortune
- In order to do that, we clone the pickaxe then just remove fortune from the cloned pickaxe
private val DONT_FORTUNE_MATERIALS = listOf(Material.FLINT)
class FortuneDisablerListener : Listener {
fun onBlockBreak(event: BlockDropItemEvent) {
if (event.block.type !in DONT_FORTUNE_MATERIALS) return
val noFortuneItem = event.player.inventory.itemInMainHand.clone()
noFortuneItem.editMeta { it.removeEnchant(Enchantment.LOOT_BONUS_BLOCKS) }
event.block.getDrops(noFortuneItem, event.player).forEach {
event.player.world.dropItemNaturally(event.block.location, it)
Disabling Looting
In an EntityDeathEvent- Ensure this is an entity we don't want looting to apply to and ensure that the entity has a loottable (by checking the entity is a Mob)
- Get the killer, if there is a killer:
- Roll the entity's loottable, if the loot is not null:
- Clear the event's drops array
- add the new drops from the loottable roll
private val DONT_LOOTING_ENTITIES: List<EntityType> = listOf(EntityType.CREEPER)
class LootingDisablerListener : Listener {
fun onEntityDeath(event: EntityDeathEvent) {
val mob = event.entity
if (mob.type !in DONT_LOOTING_ENTITIES || mob !is Mob) return
val killer = event.entity.killer ?: return
val lootContext = LootContext.Builder(event.entity.location).lootedEntity(event.entity).lootingModifier(0).killer(killer)
val loot = mob.lootTable?.populateLoot(ThreadLocalRandom.current(), lootContext.build()) ?: return