Search results

  1. Xezard

    Plugin Release XGlow - Simple ProtocolLib based API to create glow on your entities.

    (I noticed that the GlowAPI from the inventivetalent has been abandoned, has not been updated for a long time, has bad reviews and bugs, as well as a rather low-quality code - so I decided to make and publish my own version of the api for the glow) XGlow - is a simple, easy-to-use API to create...
  2. Xezard

    Plugin Release XItemsRemover - A simple plugin that automatically removes dropped items with a timer displayed on them.

    XItemsRemover - is a small plugin that automatically removes dropped items with a timer displayed on these items until they are removed. The time until deletion is configured in the plugin configuration. Configuration Items: # Format: # '<timer value>': "<format>" # Available...