- Download Link
- https://hangar.papermc.io/TheNextLvl/Worlds
- Source Code
- https://github.com/TheNextLvl-net/worlds
- Documentation
- https://github.com/TheNextLvl-net/worlds/wiki
- Support
- https://thenextlvl.net/discord
- Minecraft Versions
- 1.21.4
- Compatible Java Versions
- 21

Worlds is a modern, lightweight world management plugin designed for Paper and Folia servers.
It brings seamless world handling with customization presets, eliminating the need for extra plugins just to create void worlds or custom flat maps.
Simply pick a predefined preset—or define your own!
Why Choose Worlds?

What's Next?
- Custom Dimension Type Support – Like datapacks, but built into the plugin!
(Currently, Worlds can load custom dimension worlds, but in-game/API creation is coming soon.)