I'm writing a PaperMC plugin that should restore all biomes in the world within a specified radius.
The issue here is that biomes aren't restoring.
Can someone please tell me what am i doing wrong?
I've tested this code on PaperMC 1.19.0-1.19.4
Here is a full plugin code:
The issue here is that biomes aren't restoring.
Can someone please tell me what am i doing wrong?
I've tested this code on PaperMC 1.19.0-1.19.4
Here is a full plugin code:
package ru.fominmv.biome_fixer;
import org.bukkit.Chunk;
import org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPlugin;
public class BiomeFixer extends JavaPlugin {
public void onEnable() {
final int MIN_X = -4000;
final int MAX_X = 4000;
final int MIN_Z = -4000;
final int MAX_Z = 4000;
final int TOTAL_CHUNKS = (int) Math.ceil((float) (MAX_X - MIN_X) / 16.f)
* (int) Math.ceil((float) (MAX_Z - MIN_Z) / 16.f);
final int INIT_DELAY = 20 * 15;
final int DELAY = 2;
final var server = getServer();
final var logger = server.getLogger();
final var scheduler = server.getScheduler();
final var world = server.getWorld("world");
assert world != null;
final var s = new Object() {
Runnable step;
int chunksProcessed = 0;
int x = MIN_X;
int z = MIN_Z;
s.step = () -> {
if (world.isChunkGenerated(s.x, s.z)) {
final var chunk = world.getChunkAt(s.x, s.z);
final var message = String.format("%d/%d chunks processed", s.chunksProcessed, TOTAL_CHUNKS);
s.x += 16;
if (s.x >= MAX_X) {
s.x = MIN_X;
s.z += 16;
if (s.z >= MAX_Z) {
logger.info("Biome recovery is done");
scheduler.scheduleSyncDelayedTask(this, s.step, DELAY);
final var message = String.format("Biome recovery will be started in %d secods...", INIT_DELAY / 20);
scheduler.scheduleSyncDelayedTask(this, () -> {
logger.info("Biome recovery has started");
private void fixChunk(final Chunk chunk) {
final var server = getServer();
final var logger = server.getLogger();
if (!chunk.isLoaded() && !chunk.load()) {
logger.info("Chunk loading failed");
final var world = chunk.getWorld();
final var biomeProvider = world.vanillaBiomeProvider();
assert biomeProvider != null;
for (int x = 0; x < 16; x += 4)
for (int z = 0; z < 16; z += 4)
for (int y = world.getMinHeight(); y < world.getMaxHeight(); y += 4) {
final var block = chunk.getBlock(x, y, z);
final var biome = biomeProvider.getBiome(world, block.getX(), block.getY(), block.getZ());
if (!chunk.unload(true))
logger.info("Chunk unloading failed");
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