Question PaperMC 1.20 Server corrupted :c


New member
May 10, 2024
I host a server for my friends on a small, low-power computer that runs 24/7. I connect it via cable for stability, and it usually runs without any issues. The only downside is that the power in my house tends to go out relatively frequently. The server has been up for a few months now, and while the power has gone out a few times before, it never caused any problems with the server. However, a couple of days ago, the power went out again, and this time something seems to have gotten corrupted, as I can't get the server to start up. I use PaperMC and a fork to schedule reboots (four times a day, an hour before it's most likely for the power to go out, like when using the oven, etc.). I've watched videos and read forums, but I can't seem to fix it. I have a backup, but it's from a month ago (I've been busy and haven't made more recent ones, my mistake). Between that backup and two days ago, my friends have put in a lot of playtime, and I don't want them to lose their progress. The console loads the plugins and everything correctly, but the issue arises when it starts to load the world with the message "Loading NBT data," followed by "caused by Unexpected end of ZLIB input stream." I know it's a bit complicated, but please, if anyone can help me, it's one of the few ways my friends and I have to stay in touch. We all have our own lives and schedules, but at least we can see what others are up to on the server when we play. I don't want us to lose our progress.

Already tried region fixer and it says something about idcounts.dat.


Staff member
Dec 11, 2021
your only other option is to delete the level.dat
it will create a new one, however, the seed will have changed, and you may have other various issues, there is no other real fix without a backup, however.