Question Overrides method that is deprecated and marked for removal in 'org.bukkit.Translatable'


New member
Aug 6, 2024
i am having trouble with is error to do with getTranslationKey and if i remove it i get another error saying i have to add it and i truly dont know what to do.
i am just trying to setup a custom enchantment


New member
Aug 6, 2024
this is the error i am getting, Overrides method that is deprecated and marked for removal in 'org.bukkit.Translatable'.

This is my code,
package jefry.viiper.signme; import io.papermc.paper.enchantments.EnchantmentRarity; import org.bukkit.enchantments.Enchantment; import org.bukkit.enchantments.EnchantmentTarget; import org.bukkit.entity.EntityCategory; import org.bukkit.inventory.EquipmentSlot; import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack; import org.bukkit.NamespacedKey; import net.kyori.adventure.text.Component; import net.kyori.adventure.translation.Translatable; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import java.util.Set; public class AccumulatedDamageEnchantment extends Enchantment implements Translatable { private final NamespacedKey key; public AccumulatedDamageEnchantment(@NotNull NamespacedKey key) { super(); this.key = key; } @Override public @NotNull Component displayName(int level) { return Component.text("Accumulated Damage " + level); } @Override public int getMinModifiedCost(int level) { return level * 5; // Example logic: Minimum cost increases with level } @Override public int getMaxModifiedCost(int level) { return getMinModifiedCost(level) + 10; } @Override public @NotNull EnchantmentRarity getRarity() { return EnchantmentRarity.UNCOMMON; } @Override public float getDamageIncrease(int level, EntityCategory entityCategory) { return level * 1.5f; // Example logic: Damage increases with level } @Override public @NotNull Set<EquipmentSlot> getActiveSlots() { return Set.of(EquipmentSlot.HAND); } @Override public @NotNull NamespacedKey getKey() { return this.key; // Return the key used in the constructor } @Override public @NotNull String getName() { return "AccumulatedDamage"; } @Override public int getMaxLevel() { return 5; // Maximum level for this enchantment } @Override public int getStartLevel() { return 1; // Starting level for this enchantment } @Override public @NotNull EnchantmentTarget getItemTarget() { return EnchantmentTarget.WEAPON; } @Override public boolean canEnchantItem(@NotNull ItemStack item) { // Example logic: Allow this enchantment to be applied to all items return item.getItemMeta().getEnchants().keySet().stream() .noneMatch(e -> e.conflictsWith(this)); } @Override public boolean conflictsWith(@NotNull Enchantment other) { // Example logic: No conflicts with other enchantments return false; } @Override public @NotNull String translationKey() { return null; // Return the translation key provided in the constructor } @Override public boolean isTreasure() { return false; // Example: not a treasure enchantment } @Override public boolean isCursed() { return false; // Example: not a cursed enchantment } @Override public boolean isTradeable() { return true; // Example: tradeable } @Override public boolean isDiscoverable() { return true; // Example: discoverable in loot } public double getExtraDamage(int level) { return level * 1.5; } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) return true; if (obj == null || getClass() != obj.getClass()) return false; AccumulatedDamageEnchantment other = (AccumulatedDamageEnchantment) obj; return getKey().equals(other.getKey()); } @Override public int hashCode() { return getKey().hashCode(); } // Deprecated method from Translatable interface. @Override public @NotNull String getTranslationKey() { return null; } }


Staff member
Dec 11, 2021
1) implementing random classes inside of the API is not supported
2) yes, the method is deprecated, there is little you can do when extending/implementing random classes which have such deprecations, all you can do is carry over the deprecation and note that you'll need to remove it at some point