I wanted to try to use MiniMessage from Adventure, as it looks quite handy for some situations, but I ran into a problem - paper claims that MiniMessage classes do not exist in it:
I am using paper-1.16.5-794 snapshot (latest). At the same time paper claims to have native MiniMessage support since build 473.
Besides, the standard dependency package paper-api 1.16.5-R0.1-SNAPSHOT doesn't contain minimessage either:

So I had to add the dependency myself. However, this did not help.
If someone has encountered and solved this problem, please tell me what to do
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: net/kyory/adventury/text/minimessage/MiniMessage
Besides, the standard dependency package paper-api 1.16.5-R0.1-SNAPSHOT doesn't contain minimessage either:

So I had to add the dependency myself. However, this did not help.
If someone has encountered and solved this problem, please tell me what to do