Plugin Release JobsReborn-PatchPlaceBreak

A place-and-break patch extension of JobsReborn

Place-and-break issue

With JobsReborn, it appears that placing a block and then breaking it is counted as a valid job action which lead to a payment for the player. Given this fact, it's very easy to imagine a diamond ore to be gathered with a Silk Touch pickaxe and immediately after be replaced to repeat the process again and again...

A solution with JobsReborn is to remove money and xp when a diamond ore is placed, preventing the previously described scenario. But it isn't perfect: if you expect to use money and xp boost for whatever reason, the amount of money to give when the block is broken will be higher than the amount to be retrieved when placing the same one. And... well... losing money and xp when you place a block for decoration isn't very appreciated by players too.

The place-and-break patch provided by JobsReborn seems to be insufficient: you must specify for each block a fix amount of time during which breaking the block again will not permit to earn money and xp. It's a first step forward, but it's insufficient. Specifying an unlimited time isn't sufficient too, because after 14 days maximum the placed blocks will not prevent the payment anymore... And finally, piston exploit isn't taking into account at all whereas it's a big problem.

So, this is why this project exists: doing an obvious and easy patch that would have been done a long time ago.

How the patch works

The patch is very simple: when breaking or placing blocks, each one is tagged. This information is persisted across server restarts.

At payment time, if a BREAK, TNTBREAK or PLACE action involve an active "player" tag, the payment will be cancelled. It doesn't matter whose player is the author, so if one player place a block and another one break it, the payment will be cancelled anyway.

There are two main behaviors which have subtle differences:
  • When a block is placed, a tag is attached to it: This is useful to patch BREAK and TNTBREAK actions (e.g. for breaking diamond ores) ;
  • When a block is broken, a tag is attached to the location where it was: This is useful to patch PLACE actions (e.g. for placing saplings).
Note: the second behavior lead to "ephemeral" tags, that's to say a tag which will be applicable during a short-time only. The value is fixed to three seconds.

As a comparison point, this behavior can have similarities with the one implemented by mcMMO plugin.

Easy and efficient, this does the trick.


We expect here that you already have a Bukkit server already set up with the JobsReborn plugin installed on it.

Simply download the latest .jar file from GitHub and put it into the plugins/ folder, and you'll be done! After restarting the server, the plugin should now appear green in the list displayed by the /plugins command.

At this point, you should simply turn off all options of the "PlaceAndBreak" config part of JobsReborn. This would lead to a similar result as the following one:

   # Enable blocks protection, like ore, from exploiting by placing and destroying same block again and again.
  # Modify restrictedBlocks.yml for blocks you want to protect
  Enabled: false
  # Enabling this we will ignore blocks generated in ore generators, liko stone, coublestone and obsidian. You can still use timer on player placed obsidian block
  IgnoreOreGenerators: true
  # For how long in days to keep block protection data in data base
  # This will clean block data which ones have -1 as cooldown value
  # Data base cleanup will be performed on each server startup
  # This cant be more then 14 days
  KeepDataFor: 14
  # All blocks will be protected X sec after player places it on ground.
    Use: false
    Timer: 3
  # Enable silk touch protection.
  # With this enabled players wont get paid for broken blocks from restrictedblocks list with silk touch tool.
  SilkTouchProtection: false


If you find any bug or suspicious behavior, please don't hesitate to report it through "Discussion" section or directly through GitHub Issues section. I will do my best to react as quickly as possible!


This project is under the licence GNU GPLv3.
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