Question How to get the particle names of Minecraft firework explosion effects?


New member
Jan 2, 2025
I am working on a plugin related to firework effects in Minecraft, and I need to get the particle names generated after a firework explosion. Specifically, I am trying to understand how the explosion particles are defined and how they are represented in the game.

In the native Minecraft code, how are firework explosion particles managed? I know that the Fireworks class controls the flight of the firework, but I’m unsure how to precisely retrieve the particles generated during the explosion. If anyone has experience with this or knows of any relevant APIs, I’d really appreciate it if you could share!

Looking forward to your replies.


New member
Jan 3, 2025
They are sent to the client via packets, but they have no existence on the server itself.
The only way to detect them, is by listening for clientbound packets using ProtocolLib or using NMS.

You can check FireworkEffect, FireworkMeta maybe the data you need is there - example: FireworkEffect.Type.STAR
Firework extends Projectile, maybe something there as well.
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