Hi, I wanted to self host a paper server for dev.
My dev server is on linux ubuntu, when I start the .jar I get this error:
I searched on the internet why and found that my server was infected by viruses but I didn't install any plugin. I even reinstalled Ubuntu Server but it didn't solve my problem.
My server is running Ubuntu Server
Have a static IP (could be this)
My dev server is on linux ubuntu, when I start the .jar I get this error:
Failed to download mojang_1.20.6.jar
java.net.NoRouteToHostException: No route to host
I searched on the internet why and found that my server was infected by viruses but I didn't install any plugin. I even reinstalled Ubuntu Server but it didn't solve my problem.
My server is running Ubuntu Server
Have a static IP (could be this)
- Version Output
- 1.20.6-151