So I've ran into a quite the tedious thing on my server, entities seems to get stuck a lot and they go into a loop if it's a projectile as shown in the video attached. Mobs for some reason sometimes gets frozen mid air after getting killed or they remain stuck in place, there is also signs of this in the video I recorded.
Things I've tried so far:
Note: I would use timings but it keeps telling me to use spark. There's also no logs for me to paste really, all of the logs are normal and standard without errors.
Things I've tried so far:
- Rebooted my dedicated server completely.
- Took out plugins 1 by 1 to see if any of them was causing the issue.
- Adjusted entity limits in the bukkit.yml file, monster limit has been set to 50 and I've made it per-tick 4.
- Currently running spark profiler while I was killing mobs to try to catch the event but I can't make sense of it really.
Note: I would use timings but it keeps telling me to use spark. There's also no logs for me to paste really, all of the logs are normal and standard without errors.
- Version Output
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