Plugin Release Connection Guard - vpn and geo-blocker for Spigot, BungeeCord and Velocity


Connection Guard​

A feature-rich vpn and geo-blocker for Spigot, BungeeCord and Velocity​

Key Features​

  • Detect VPNs - react to them how you like!
    • Kick: Prevent players with VPNs to join your server.
    • Notify: Notify admins or moderators that a VPN user joined.
    • Command: Execute a command when a VPN user joins.
  • Multiple Detection Provider - Minimize false flags, maximize detection!
    • ProxyCheck (100 queries per day for free without api key, 1.000 queries per day for free with api key)
    • IP-Hub (1.000 queries per day for free with api key)
    • IP-API (45 queries per minute for free, no api key required)
    • VPN-API (1.000 queries per day for free with api key)
    • Custom Provider (configure the plugin to automatically use the REST-API of the detection provider, supports GET and POST)
  • Geo-Blocking - No more bots from foreign countries!
    • Whitelist or Blacklist mode
    • Over 200 countries supported!
  • Connection Information - Know everything about your players connection!
    • IP address (and whether it is a vpn/proxy)
    • Country code (e.g. US, CA, ...)
    • City name (e.g. Berlin, London, ...)
    • ISP provider (e.g. AT&T, Telekom, ...)


To use Connection Guard, you need a Spigot server (or Paper, Pufferfish, Purpur, ...) running on 1.8.X and 1.21.X or an up-to-date version of BungeeCord (or Waterfall) or Velocity.

1. Build the project (./gradlew clean shadowJar) or download it from the release section.
2. Place the downloaded .jar file into the plugins folder of your Spigot, BungeeCord or Velocity server.
3. Start or restart your server.
4. Optional: Configure Connection Guard configuration in its directory (config.yml and translation/en.yml)


When newly installed, Connection Guard blocks VPN connections and notifies all players with the connectionguard.notify.vpn permission (KICK_NOTIFY).
All players are geo checked by default, but when players from Russia or China join, all players with the
connectionguard.notify.geo permission are notified (NOTIFY). You can customize every aspect including all
messages sent to players in the config.yml and the corresponding messages file (en.yml by default.)

  • /connectionguard help Help overview of Connection Guard commands
    • Permission:
  • /connectionguard reload Reload the config and the messages file. Changes to providers require a restart.
    • Permission: connectionguard.command.reload
  • /connectionguard clear (<Player/UUID/IP>) Clear the entire cache or just for the specified player/uuid/ip. If you specify a player or an uuid, the player has to be online.
    • Permission: connectionguard.command.clear
  • /connectionguard info <Player/UUID/IP> Show all connection information (IP, VPN, Country, City, ISP) about the player or the IP. If you specify a player or an uuid, the player has to be online.
    • Permission:


This software uses the following open source packages:


LNDNR's Anti-VPN & Geo-Blocking - Predecessor of Connection Guard


- Discord Server or contact me on discord directly:


