- Download Link
- https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/bettersecurity-%E2%9C%A8-the-best-security-for-your-server.105608/
- Source Code
- https://github.com/KyotoResources/BetterSecurity
- Minecraft Versions
- 1.8.x-1.19.x
- Compatible Java Versions
- Java 8+
The plugin that protects you, in times of need! 100% customizable, and working from 1.8.x up to the latest versions.
- 100% customizable via file.
- Block all the complete tab, which shows your server commands /[TAB](You can bypass this feature via permission, player, or uuid).
- Add custom commands to the full tab, which all players can see. Or by creating groups for your staff.
- Warn your staff, and also the console of any violation (You can choose from the configuration where you want it to be active)
- Block all syntaxes, such as /<plugin>: <command>
- Block all commands via Blacklist or Whitelist.
- It blocks commands and makes them accessible only from the console.
- It blocks the commands and makes them accessible only to the players on the list.
- You can block commands by adding separate functions for the violation.
- You can replace the writings of other plugins, or minecraft that are sent in chat, with whatever you want.
- You can prevent malicious players from becoming an operator, having additional permissions, or groups they shouldn't have.
- Supports PlaceholderAPI, ProtocolLib
- From version 1.16+, HEX color codes are supported
- [NEW] Port bypass prevention.
- [NEW] Added Bungeecord/Waterfall support.
- [NEW] Added customizable unknown command for versions 1.19+.
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