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  1. Kaelinator

    Make player do a backflip

    Hi y'all, I've been working on a plugin that allows the player to do a backflip. Everything works except for this little animation detail that I just can't get over. This detail is less of a problem for a front flip animation, so I've changed the plugin to be "frontflip" for the time being...
  2. Kaelinator

    Could not find org.spigotmc:minecraft-server:1.20.2-R0.1-SNAPSHOT:txt:maps-mojang

    Fixed! It was because I had the plugin defined under build > pluginManagement > plugins instead of under build > plugins
  3. Kaelinator

    Could not find org.spigotmc:minecraft-server:1.20.2-R0.1-SNAPSHOT:txt:maps-mojang

    Hi y'all I'm trying to use the mappings for paper. I've used the guide here I am using maven. I don't want to switch to Gradle right now. Perhaps in the future, just not right now. I am getting the following output when I...
  4. Kaelinator

    block.getDestroySpeed always returns 1.0

    thank you very much :)
  5. Kaelinator

    block.getDestroySpeed always returns 1.0

    I'm trying to call the following method: float destroySpeed = block.getDestroySpeed(player.getActiveItem()) but I always get 1.0, despite it being bedrock/wood/etc. I also tried using spigot nms, but I also only ever get 1.0: Block nmsBlock = CraftMagicNumbers.getBlock(block.getType())...