Search results

  1. Cursedbreath

    Plugin Release BanSystem With IDs

    Ban System With IDs Permissions: bansystem.ban -> /netban <playername> <id> (Required) bansystem.unban -> /netunban <playername> bansystem.notify -> Notifiactions about Bans / Unbans bansystem.bypass -> Can´t be Banned. bansystem.<id> -> Permission needed for IDs (Required) Durations...
  2. Cursedbreath

    Plugin Release Simpleban System for Velocity

    This is a Simple Ban System using MySQL to Store Bans. Ban/Unban Notification Network Join/Leave Messages Permissions: simpleban.netban -> Command: "/netban" simpleban.unban -> Command: "/netunban" simlpeban.reload -> Command: "/sbreload" to Reload Messages simpleban.notify -> Sends a...