Search results

  1. Cursedbreath

    Plugin Release BanSystem With IDs

    You can find upcoming updates here: Or Use the Downloadlink that now Leads to the new Page too. Lastest Update: 1.0.6 - Added update checker for later releases. Update : 1.0.5 - Fixed Some issues with the Database creation.
  2. Cursedbreath

    Plugin Release BanSystem With IDs

    Version 1.0.4 Has been Released. Added Permission Check for each ID. Fixed some issues with overflowing MySQL Connections. Example: Your ID is "1" Then you need the Permission "bansystem.1" to ban for that reason.
  3. Cursedbreath

    Plugin Release BanSystem With IDs

    Ban System With IDs Permissions: bansystem.ban -> /netban <playername> <id> (Required) bansystem.unban -> /netunban <playername> bansystem.notify -> Notifiactions about Bans / Unbans bansystem.bypass -> Can´t be Banned. bansystem.<id> -> Permission needed for IDs (Required) Durations...
  4. Cursedbreath

    Plugin Release Simpleban System for Velocity

    This is a Simple Ban System using MySQL to Store Bans. Ban/Unban Notification Network Join/Leave Messages Permissions: simpleban.netban -> Command: "/netban" simpleban.unban -> Command: "/netunban" simlpeban.reload -> Command: "/sbreload" to Reload Messages simpleban.notify -> Sends a...