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  1. xWil

    Question Paper 1.20.2 NoSuchMethodError, same code works fine on spigot

    Okay I'll admit I didn't do much research into the API, I only knew about the TextComponent stuff and that was a bit long winded for what I liked, the first solution I found was the NMS one. It's up to you if you fix it or not, but i did find a solution that works, I didn't know where was a json...
  2. xWil

    Question Paper 1.20.2 NoSuchMethodError, same code works fine on spigot

    They closed and marked it as invalid. Owen says "NMS compatibility is never promised, we make changes here". Is there any other options? Is there a way to check if the server is running spigot or paper and do something accordingly?
  3. xWil

    Question Paper 1.20.2 NoSuchMethodError, same code works fine on spigot

    Hiya, The code below shows a 1.20.1 and 1.20.2 version of the same spigot code. The 1.20.1 works with both spigot and paper, the 1.20.2 code only works with spigot. //1.20.1 ClientboundSystemChatPacket packet = new ClientboundSystemChatPacket(IChatBaseComponent.ChatSerializer.a(line), false)...