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    Question Server Crash when always on

    I have a server that I keep running all the time, but after a while of it being on, the RAM fills up, and the server crashes. Plug-in in screenshots
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    Solved Why TextComponent So Strange?

    My Code: class PlayerJoinListener: Listener { @EventHandler fun playerJoinEvent(event: PlayerJoinEvent) { val player = event.player val joinMsg = Component.text("§f[§a+§f] §f ${}") event.joinMessage(joinMsg) val config =...
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    Question How can I register a command in plugin that use paper-plugin.yml

    How can i register a command if i use paper-plugin.yml instead of plugin.yml? I Searched i've found only person that say "you have to register them yourself"
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    Custom death message

    Can you show me an example?
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    Custom death message

    How can i set custom death message? (using event.deathMessage())