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  1. M

    How to change displayname with colour with NMS Packet

    Ok so i figured it out myself. Im doing it with Scoreboards now like val scoreboardManager = (Bukkit.getServer() as CraftServer).getScoreboardManager() val mainScoreboard = scoreboardManager.mainScoreboard val scoreboard: Scoreboard = mainScoreboard.handle var scoreboardTeam: PlayerTeam? =...
  2. M

    How to change displayname with colour with NMS Packet

    Im on version 1.19.4 and already got it spawned with skin and even the second skin layer but cant figure out which packet to use for changing the displayname to a coloured one
  3. M

    How to use MySQL

    How would i go about using MySQL because currently im using the MySQL fix plugin but i want to load the connector from my Plugin but dont know how. If i add it with maven it wont compile into the jar.