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  1. MJDawson

    Solved Get the title of an advancement

    Oh right. I'm sending using to send through a discord bot This was the rest of my code in my event: EmbedBuilder embed = new EmbedBuilder(); embed.setDescription(advancementName); embed.setColor(; jda.getTextChannelById(channelId)...
  2. MJDawson

    Solved Get the title of an advancement

    I want to get the title like, bullseye or Monster Hunter.
  3. MJDawson

    Solved Get the title of an advancement

    Hi, So I'm trying to get the title of of the enchantment. Code: public void onPlayerAchievement(PlayerAdvancementDoneEvent event) throws Exception{ String advancementName = event.getAdvancement().toString(); //Do some things with advancementName... } But...