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  1. Nacio

    Question How fixing Invalid player data?

    Wyślij logi i zobaczymy co da się zrobić.
  2. Nacio

    Solved Unable to send an action bar to a player with the player.sendActionBar() method

    The method takes a Component, if you want to learn how to create those see the Adventure documentation and/or Paper documentation.
  3. Nacio

    Question How to concatenate Component in a single message

    Component result = Component.text() .append(firstComponent) .append(displayName) .build(); You can find the Adventure's docs here:
  4. Nacio

    Solved Clearing crafting slots/item on cursor to prevent inventory exploit

    As far as the server is concerned the player always has their inventory open. I guess try clearing those slots after the PlayerMoveEvent (not sure if that wouldn't also clear them when the player is moved by e.g. water).