Search results

  1. 4drian3d

    Plugin Release ClientCatcher | Detect the client with which a player has connected to your server

    ClientCatcher Simple Velocity plugin to get the client with which a player has connected to your server The plugin is not fully effective, several malicious clients hide their client branding when entering the server or impersonate vanilla clients. However, the plugin can detect several...
  2. 4drian3d

    Plugin Release VPacketEvents | Manage packets through Velocity's native events

    VPacketEvents Manage packets through Velocity's native events class PacketListener { @Subscribe public void onPacketReceive(PacketReceiveEvent event) { final MinecraftPacket packet = event.getPacket(); if (packet instanceof KeyedPlayerCommand commandPacket) {...
  3. 4drian3d

    Plugin Release SimpleJumpPads | Simple JumpPads plugin, optimized for the latest version of Paper

    Requirements Java 17 Paper, Pufferfish or Purpur 1.19.3+ Features Configure multiple types of materials for your JumpPads (compatible with all types of pressure plates) Activate JumpPads for worlds, regions and more (via LuckPerms Contexts). Permission for JumpPads usage: simplejumppads.jump...
  4. 4drian3d

    Plugin Release MCKotlin | Get the ability to run and develop Kotlin plugins on your Minecraft server or proxy

    MCKotlin Get the ability to run and develop Kotlin plugins on your Minecraft server or proxy. This plugin includes the necessary Kotlin libraries to the server to avoid including them independently in several plugins at the same time Requirements - Java 8+ Compatibility Velocity 3+ Sponge 8...
  5. 4drian3d

    Plugin Release ServerPermissions | Add permissions to access your servers

    Add permissions to access your servers Compatibility Velocity 3.1.2+ Support Java 11+ Permissions For example: Survival Server SkyBlock Server
  6. 4drian3d

    Plugin Release VServerInfo | Get information from each of your servers in your Velocity network

    Get the information of each server in your Velocity network Requirements Velocity 3.2.0 build 224+ Java 17+ Commands Permission /vserverinfo This command will give you information about all the servers you have in your Velocity network. /vserverinfo <server> Get the information about a...
  7. 4drian3d

    Plugin Release SignedVelocity | Allows you to cancel or modify messages or commands from Velocity without synchronization problems

    SignedVelocity Allows you to cancel or modify messages or commands from Velocity without synchronization problems Requirements Java 17+ Velocity 3.2.0+ Backend: Java 17+ Paper 1.19.4+ or Sponge 1.16.5+ (API 8.1+) Sponge API 8.1/10+ Minestom Fabric 1.20.1/1.20.2+ Download it from Modrinth
  8. 4drian3d

    Plugin Release MiniPlaceholders | Component-based Placeholders for Paper and Velocity

    Have you ever wanted a placeholder plugin with support for hovers, click events, translatable messages, gradients and all kinds of formats? MiniPlaceholder makes it possible. The plugin has 2 built-in expansions and more external ones. See the complete list here Commands: Velocity...
  9. 4drian3d

    Plugin Release VLobby | Lobby commands with multilobby support

    VLobby Lobby commands with support for multiple lobbies and different distribution modes Features Add as many commands as you like as lobby commands Add as many servers as you want to count as lobbies Choose between different shipping modes between lobbies. For example, send to the emptiest...
  10. 4drian3d

    Plugin Release LogFilter | Filter messages sent to your console

    LogFilter Filter messages sent to your Velocity, Sponge, Paper, Bungeecord and Krypton consoles Features Regex and #Contains Filter Support Fast pattern detection by cache Compatibitlity Velocity 1.1.0+ Support Sponge 8+ Support Bukkit/Spigot/Paper/Purpur 1.7.10+ Support Krypton...
  11. 4drian3d

    Plugin Release KickRedirect | Redirect your players to a server after a server shutdown

    KickRedirect Redirect your players to another server after the shutdown of the server they were on This plugin allows you to further customize the try option in the Velocity configuration, allowing you to redirect to specific servers that are not in that list, select a random or more empty...
  12. 4drian3d

    Plugin Release AuthMeVelocity | AuthmeReloaded support for Velocity

    AuthMeVelocity This plugin adds the support for Velocity to AuthMeReloaded Requirements Spigot, Paper, Pufferfish, Purpur 1.8+ Velocity 3.1.2+ Java 17 Features Adds AuthmeReloaded support to Velocity Prevents command execution, server switching, chat and more through Velocity in case the...
  13. 4drian3d

    Plugin Release ChatRegulator | A global chat regulator for Velocity

    Features Message control via regex Control of messages sent in specific commands Controls the number of consecutive equal characters allowed Controls the repetition of the same messages or commands several times in a row. Sends warning messages, actionbars o titles to the offender in...