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  1. 4drian3d

    Question Low TPS after updating to 1.19.2 / 1.19.4

    The only suggestion I can give you is to upgrade to 1.20.4 which is the only supported version
  2. 4drian3d

    Solved Velocity

    If you deny permission to execute the command, it will not be displayed in the autocomplete and cannot be executed. Also check that you do not have a plugin like CommandWhitelist that removes commands that you do not have permission to execute
  3. 4drian3d

    Solved Velocity

  4. 4drian3d

    Question Update configuration files post-update

    It is recommended that you do nothing as the paper.yml file will be automatically migrated to the config/paper-global.yml file
  5. 4drian3d

    Question send plugin messages

    This is exactly how plugin messages work, they require at least one player to be connected. You can use other alternatives like Redis
  6. 4drian3d

    Solved Alternative to ChatColor.translateAlternateColorCodes

    That is a terrible use of components, you must use the LegacyComponentSerializer if you want to use that deprecated format or you can migrate to MiniMessage
  7. 4drian3d

    Question AsyncChatEvent chat formatting

    That event is deprecated and its use is not recommended, there is a possibility that in the future it will be removed.
  8. 4drian3d


  9. 4drian3d

    Question How create file.yml in velocity API?

    @Plugin(id = "someid") public class VelocityPlugin { @Inject @DataDirectory private Path dataDirectory; @Subscribe public void onProxyInitialization(final ProxyInitializationEvent event) { if (Files.notExists(dataDirectory)) { Files.createDirectory(dataDirectory); }...
  10. 4drian3d

    Question Velocity with forge modpacks

  11. 4drian3d

    Question editing velocity plugins and see errors when running it

    It seems that you have edited the jar directly without compiling it since it seems that you have removed the ProxyServer import. If you don't have the source of a plugin, I would recommend that you consult with the original author or else make a separate plugin
  12. 4drian3d

    Plugin Release Party and Friends For Velocity | Version 1.0.92

    Paper already has a place to post Velocity/Paper/Waterfall plugins which is Hangar , no need to post updates in the forum anymore
  13. 4drian3d

    Announcement Hangar - PaperMC's Plugin Repository

    Congratulations on the Hangar open beta! It has been a pleasure to publish plugins and test the closed beta :D
  14. 4drian3d

    Other libraries in Velocity Maven project

    Sure, you can use any libraries you want in Velocity, just include them and relocate them in your jar and they will work
  15. 4drian3d

    Question Issues related to velocity development API

    In that event you still can't get the player's UUID, you must use another event And for the offline mode, the online-mode=false is not supported, but you can check how FastLoginVelocity, LibreLogin or LimboAuth works
  16. 4drian3d

    Question How to cancel PlayerChatEvent

    Velocity only kicks the player if you have a client with version 1.19.1 or higher and with a valid signed key (this was done because Mojang implemented the reporting system from version 1.19.1 onwards and made it more difficult to cancel or modify commands and chat from the proxy) If you want to...
  17. 4drian3d

    Question Server order

    The correct format is try = [ "lobby", "server" ] If it doesn't work, it should show some error in the console
  18. 4drian3d

    Plugin Release V-Message | Simple Global Chatting, Join/leave/change message w/ LuckPerms Support for all the messages

    Instead of using an external fork of Velocity that has not been updated for days just for that, it would be better to use that corrects the same error
  19. 4drian3d

    Plugin Release ClientCatcher | Detect the client with which a player has connected to your server

    ClientCatcher Simple Velocity plugin to get the client with which a player has connected to your server The plugin is not fully effective, several malicious clients hide their client branding when entering the server or impersonate vanilla clients. However, the plugin can detect several...
  20. 4drian3d

    Plugin Release KickRedirect | Redirect your players to a server after a server shutdown

    New Update: KickRedirect 2.0.7 Download it from:
  21. 4drian3d

    Plugin Release AuthMeVelocity | AuthmeReloaded support for Velocity

    New Update: AuthMeVelocity 4.0.0 Download:
  22. 4drian3d

    Plugin Release VLobby | Lobby commands with multilobby support

    In the latest update of VLobby I added specifically that
  23. 4drian3d

    Plugin Release VPacketEvents | Manage packets through Velocity's native events

    VPacketEvents Manage packets through Velocity's native events class PacketListener { @Subscribe public void onPacketReceive(PacketReceiveEvent event) { final MinecraftPacket packet = event.getPacket(); if (packet instanceof KeyedPlayerCommand commandPacket) {...
  24. 4drian3d

    Plugin Release SimpleJumpPads | Simple JumpPads plugin, optimized for the latest version of Paper

    Requirements Java 17 Paper, Pufferfish or Purpur 1.19.3+ Features Configure multiple types of materials for your JumpPads (compatible with all types of pressure plates) Activate JumpPads for worlds, regions and more (via LuckPerms Contexts). Permission for JumpPads usage: simplejumppads.jump...
  25. 4drian3d

    Plugin Release LogFilter | Filter messages sent to your console

    New Beta Version LogFilter 3.0.5 Paper Plugins Implementation Download it from:
  26. 4drian3d

    Plugin Release VLobby | Lobby commands with multilobby support

    New Update VLobby 2.0.1 Download it from:
  27. 4drian3d

    Plugin Release ServerPermissions | Add permissions to access your servers

    New Update ServerPermission 1.2.0 Download it from:
  28. 4drian3d

    Plugin Release MCKotlin | Get the ability to run and develop Kotlin plugins on your Minecraft server or proxy

    New Update MCKotlin 1.2.0 (Kotlin 1.8.20 BETA) Downloads:
  29. 4drian3d

    Plugin Release AuthMeVelocity | AuthmeReloaded support for Velocity

    New Update: AuthMeVelocity 3.0.6 List of changes: Download:
  30. 4drian3d

    Plugin Release KickRedirect | Redirect your players to a server after a server shutdown

    New Update: KickRedirect 2.0.6 Download it from: