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    Bug Reports
    If you are reporting a bug to JIRA, Dont do that. SpigotMC is dead and we wont get bug reports. This is howie mandel. signing off, enjoy the ranking games and UCC Flash Contents.

    (md_5: Dang it howie, you wreaked havoc on my site?)
    part 3
    Spigot Server software has been discontinued.
    Although we didnt get dmca, spigotmc as a server software has been discontinued. we will update but they will go to paper. all usage must be replaced with PaperMC. Download papermc at: papermc.io
    sneakpeek part 2
    Plugin Changes
    The SpigotMC Site has been taken over and the ownership has been moved to ENI Studio Corp., so make sure you move your plugins into hangar.papermc.io and mineacademy.org NOW. The Resource Tab Will Be Replaced By Game Lists Forever.
    sneak peek post: howie hacks spigot

    Title: Sudden Take Over of the site

    Hello Everyone. This is Howie Mandel Speaking.

    Havoc Crew Took Over the site, and the SpigotMC Pty, Ltd. has been defeated. as a result, SpigotMC has become ENI Studio Corp.'s Webpage Under our operation. Not Only That. TheFlash Owns the forum section. and Humanworks Corp. Owns the wiki section
    md-5, stop destructing Mojamp Mappings by adding bukkit-1.21.4-exclude.
    just reobfuscate the mojmap without bukkit-1.21.4-exclude. is this even necessary?
    Paper's Future makes me want to Acquire SpigotMC & PaperMC :sneaky:
    And of course, if i acquire SpigotMC and PaperMC, i am going to make new logo.
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