Recent content by SkytAsul

  1. SkytAsul

    Question Friends can't join before i am online

    Is the server running on a different computer than your Minecraft client?
  2. SkytAsul

    How to get the appropriate tool for mining a block?

    I just checked the server code to understand how is it done, and internally it is checking the tags of the block for "mineable/pickaxe" or "mineable/shovel" etc. You can find a list of block tags here: And the interesting classes were those...
  3. SkytAsul

    Question Maven pom.xml help

    You are shading net.gravitydevelopment.updater:updater:4.2.2 (see pom.xml) which has as parent maven module de.dustplanet:bukkit-plugin:6.3.0 (see pom.xml) which itself contains spigot, the kotlin std lib, and other things as compiled dependencies. Hence, by transitivity, you are shading a lot...
  4. SkytAsul

    Question !URGENT! 1.19 Paper - Main thread terminated by WatchDog due to hard crash

    You can read the reason of "why my server is crashing?" directly in the logs:
  5. SkytAsul

    Question Keep console input open on shell script start

    I am sorry, I'm not bringing a solution to your issue but simply telling you that it's possible to send text in the stdin of a detached screen session. (and it's probably possible with tmux as well, though I haven't tested it). Check this page...
  6. SkytAsul

    Question How to make plugin library structure for multiple NMS version support?

    Your project structure is actually good, that's how you should do it. Your issue comes from gradle: ⚠️ ERROR: No build artifacts found Expected artifacts in: $HOME/.m2/repository/com/github/exmsrv/mol/1.0.0-SNAPSHOT (that's the Jitpack error) I use Gradle very rarely so I can't help you with...