Recent content by sen

  1. S

    Mojang chat report

    It was meant to show that there are people asking for moderation from Mojang themselves, since many servers can't afford or fail to do so. The comments show a lot of mentions regarding chat, which get a lot of votes. You can't argue that because it doesn't stop something completely that it...
  2. S

    Mojang chat report

    You trust Mojang with your credit card to buy the game. You trust them with your data, but not how they handle chat reporting? This is nothing like mcbans. This is Mojang themselves. It is a conspiracy thinking that somehow the little money they make from the miniscule amount of bad actors...
  3. S

    Mojang chat report This has been requested since 2018. Many people supports the feature. A lot of people who are against this change argue that "no one asked for the feature". But...