Recent content by Notro

  1. N

    Question Changing a message for a specific player AsyncChatEvent

    Hello, you can do the following: public class AsyncChatListener implements Listener { @EventHandler public void onAsyncPlayerChat(AsyncPlayerChatEvent event) { event.getRecipients().stream() .filter(player -> player.getUniqueId() == /* insert your wanted...
  2. N

    Question How do i get nbt tags

    Hello, you could make NBT tags with tr7zw's item NBT api as already mentioned above, or you could use PersistentDataContainer which is built in by Paper in their api. Both ways are great anyways.
  3. N

    How to register plugin without plugin.yml

    Hello, this Resource might help you. But I really don't understand, why you are trying to achieve that...? You can get the instance of CommandMap by doing Bukkit#getCommandMap();
  4. N

    Question create the world async.

    Well you would want to handle the world creation asynchronously. If you meant that you want to create a world as an arena for mini-game for example, what you would want to do is to copy the "source" files (your main world) . Here is an old post that will teach you how to do it. Important thing...
  5. N

    Question Trying to connect paper server to bungee

    Hello, may I ask on which version do you run your server? And most important do you run your server on Vanilla, Spigot, or Paper?
  6. N

    Question Null Exception on getCommand

    YAML file is sensitive for Indentation, make sure everything is indented correctly. More than that I would suggest a recode for this command. package me.notro.sumowarriors.commands; import lombok.NonNull; import net.kyori.adventure.text.Component; import...
  7. N

    Question Change Version or use Plugin?

    Well if you are looking to get back to a version backwards in your server there's a plugin called ViaBackwards
  8. N

    Question Seeking plugin to customize join/quite message in specific world

    What you want shouldn't be that complicated, I mean it's that simple that I would suggest you to build this on your own.
  9. N

    Question AsyncChatEvent chat formatting

    Hey, if you are trying to color fix a message you could do: Please note that I'm using a LegacyComponentSerializer, and not TextReplacementConfig, make sure to learn this. Glad to help! :)