Recent content by Machine Maker

  1. Machine Maker

    Question Is there a way to translate command completions?

    The completions are just strings... I'm not sure if I've seen a plugin that tries to handled commands in multiple languages. You would have to add those translations based on the player's locale and then automatically handle that in the logic for handling your commands.
  2. Machine Maker

    Solved Can't use ItemMeta.displayName(component) with TranslatableComponent

    You are using the wrong TranslatableComponent, probably the deprecated one (which is a good clue it's not what you want). Use adventure's components via Component#translatable which returns and adventure TranslatableComponent. Note that server-side translations will not work with ItemMeta...
  3. Machine Maker

    Question ConcurrentModificationException on ChunkGenerator

    Yeah, I'm not sure. I think the documentation on spigot does talk about logic in chunk gen needing to be thread-safe. But I'm not sure if it actually uses multiple threads. Either way, should be fixed as of build 383 for 1.20.4
  4. Machine Maker

    Question ConcurrentModificationException on ChunkGenerator

    Yeah, looks like a legit bug to me. The map that is used to convert between API enums (like PointedDripstone$Thickness) and their nms counterparts was just a regular HashMap so it's conceivable that this could happen. I've opened a PR that should resolve it.
  5. Machine Maker

    Question Can't roll back server version

    Neither vanilla nor paper support downgrading. There is a whole process for converting chunks, entities, player data, everything to newer versions that is only written in one direction. Which is why you can't just go back to an older version, the game could be expecting data to be structured one...
  6. Machine Maker

    Question fix-curing-zombie-villager-discount-exploit has no effect

    That setting was available pre-1.20.2 on paper. It isn’t there anymore
  7. Machine Maker

    Question How do I disable fix-curing-zombie-villager-discount-exploit?

    Mojang fixed that bug in 1.20.2. We removed the option.
  8. Machine Maker

    Solved Importing NMS in a Maven project using IntelliJ Idea

    The link in the previous post shows you mappings so you can translate the type/method/field names.
  9. Machine Maker

    Solved NoSuchMethodError with world.spawn() Paper 1.20.1

    The best way to fix this is to just update. 1.20.1 is not supported. Are you using a plugin.yml or paper-plugin.yml? The cause of this issue is probably that you are using paper-plugin.yml which does not include any bytecode remap fixes (on purpose). Upstream changed the type from...
  10. Machine Maker

    java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "org.bukkit.command.PluginCommand.setExecutor(org.bukkit.command.CommandExecutor)" because the return va

    You do not register commands in the paper-plugin.yml. You must handle command registration yourself by adding a class that extends command and adding it to the command map. Future API will be added to better handle command registration for plugins using the Paper Plugin system. Feel free to...
  11. Machine Maker

    block.getDestroySpeed always returns 1.0

    The player's active item is not the item currently in their main hand. You want player.getInventory().getItemInMainHand(). Also, that will only return > 1.0 if the item is a tool of some sort, shovel, axe, hoe, sword, shears, or pickaxe as those are the only items that affect the breaking speed...
  12. Machine Maker

    Method for setting time?

    The time command sets or mutates the fulltime which is the "day" time or the time used to calculate the sky progress/moon, etc. It is also the time that is frozen if the daylight cycle gamerule is set to false. EDIT: actually it looks like setTime also calls setFullTime behind the scenes with...
  13. Machine Maker

    Question fix-curing-zombie-villager-discount-exploit has no effect

    Mojang fixed that bug in 1.20.2. That setting no longer has any effect. You can only get a discount from 1 zombie conversion.