Recent content by JRabble

  1. JRabble

    Question Need help with isJumping method 1.18

    okay, but then how do I detect when player jumps, i know you could get Y, but then it will think that player jumps even if he falls
  2. JRabble

    Question Need help with isJumping method 1.18

    omg i didnt notice :/
  3. JRabble

    Question Need help with isJumping method 1.18

    So recently I have started making my own plugin, in which i really need to use player#isJumping method, but I realized that it doesn’t work. Is this a thing or am I doing something wrong? if (p.isJumping()){ // my code }
  4. JRabble

    Need help with isJumping method 1.18

    So recently I have started making my own plugin, in which i really need to use player#isJumping method, but I realized that it doesn’t work. Is this a thing or am I doing something wrong? if (p.isJumping()){ // my code }