Recent content by BlackPoison357

  1. B

    Question How to spawn a offline player?

    What do you currently have? Simply creating the npc and have it represent a player is on the easier side, something like this should work (not tested). The acting like a player is tricker a player can do so much, it would depend on what exactly you want this npc to do as a player. Could use...
  2. B

    Question ItemFrame Protection help

    Figured it out. Tried another way without relying on blockfaces to do it, for some reason i couldn't get that way to work, if anybody needs it, below code prevents the block that a protected itemframe is attached to. If anybody is feeling generous and know why my original way didn't work, I'd...
  3. B

    Question ItemFrame Protection help

    I'm attempting to check if a block that is broke has an itemframe that is protected on it. I just can't seem to get it to work. Currently only the Event Triggered logger, so I know the issue is somewhere with detected the itemframe. The 2nd code block is the protection method it is checking for...
  4. B

    Question Maven pom.xml help

    I recently converted my plugin to maven, before doing so the size was roughly 120KB but now it is 7.24MB. I can see that's included extra stuff but I can't seem to figure out what I'm doing that making it include so much stuff. I'm only trying to shade bstats into the jar but for some reason...